Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Warehouse 13 A New Hope Review!

Well, it's been a couple days since the premiere of Warehouse 13 Season 4 episode A New Hope and I'm still thinking about it. Finally, I've gotten around to writing a review. Here it is for those people out there still willing to read it. Sorry for the long delay in...everything! lol! Okay, here goes. 

After a long wait the series is back for another season and we start where last season ended. HG Wells has just sacrificed her life by shielding Pete, Myka, and Artie in a bubble thing to save them from last year's bad guy Sykes' wheel chair bomb. EXPLOSION CITY! Well, last season that is. Now the main three stand among the rubble of the warehouse of what's like the 2nd or 3rd time since this show began?! I must say this series is beginning to look like another series that I was madly hooked on back in the early 2000s. That would be Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Every end of a season  someone had the bright idea that the possible worse thing that could happen is the end of the world! Okay, I can see that is a big event but come on! They could have thought up different tragedies for their heroes. Like maybe for example only one character's world may end if something doesn't happen! We don't always have to go all big and flashy people! Just make it daring and interesting! We'll tune in! I promise! Same with the destruction of the warehouse every time you turn around on THIS show! The series did have an end of the world story line once so okay done that too. Time for some new ideas! 

Anyway, moving on. Of course we have to find an artifact that will give us back the warehouse AGAIN because the show IS called Warehouse 13 not Warehouse 14...although. If would be an interesting story line to find out where Warehouse 14 would and will be located. Come on. With how many times #13 has been destroyed there's bound to be one day when there's absolutely no way to bring it back! I see a spin-off in the  future with a whole new cast of characters! Okay, really getting back to the story. Artie has MacPherson's watch and says there may be a way to change things. Then he gets a weird feeling of sadness. Which is I'm sure more than the fact that the warehouse is gone and HG and Jinks are dead. Wow, must have been some major sadness going on there! Yep, it is. Pandora's box was destroyed along with the rest of the warehouse and now the world has lost hope. Off to the bed and breakfast and we see a sad Leena and Claudia (which if I might add as gone through some major dark dye and dark makeup since we last saw her). These two tell the others that Mrs. Fredrick is dead. Artie lets them know that she was connected to the warehouse so of course she's dead, Duh! Artie turns on the news and some famous new guys tell us about all the bad things going on in the world because of the warehouse and Pandora's box. Really, not much different with what's really going on in the world, sadly. Artie figures out that the pocket watch can turn into a stop watch! Ooo! How nice. Back at the warehouse rubble where we find out the football that's been flying around the world and coming back every now and then since the first episode of the first season is an artifact  that tracks down other artifacts. Oh, now who came up with that idea and when I wonder?! lol! Nice one! Kudos to you whoever you are. Now we have to go to France and find a piece of an artifact that will turn back time. Artie tells Leena to go to a library and help a big dude which we were suppose to have seen earlier in the show but I can't place where. More techno babble which I understand sometimes and sometimes not. Mostly just go along with the parts I don't understand. I've learned that most of the time their babbles involve some history truths but also fictional to go along with whatever they want their artifact to be able to do. I'm cool with that but please don't take too long to get to the point. That could lose some of the audience. Just before they head off to find the first part of an artifact Claudia doesn't want to go at first. Still reeling from Jinks (her partner) death and she still wants to use a certain artifact to bring him back. She keeps being told that she should not do this because it's selfish reasons.. She lets Artie know that whatever happens she's not going to stop until she's done what she has to do. Another Buffy flashback for some reason. More on that later. 

Off to France and in a taxi cab with a driver who thinks they're nuts because they're talking all about their problems to Leena and library man on the Farnsworth in front of him. Whatever happened to secrecy agents?! Okay, I've seen tv show episodes like this before. The writers seem to think it doesn't matter what happens to their characters because everything is going to be changed back the way it was when the time traveling device is activated. Been done too many times to really care anymore but this time it does have a little saving grace. More on that later. Pete and Myka distract these Knights of Templar like men guarding the artifact so Artie and Claudia can make their way right into well a trap! The two find a secret hole! lol! Too small for our lovely Artie so Claudia must be the one to crawl through. Here is one of the best moments of the night. Claudia's quips about Artie being too big. I'm used to her digs about Artie but these were hilarious! I love Claudia which I hope she'll be staying on the show for quite some time. More on that later. Her jokes about Pooh bear being stuck in the honey hole was cute! Hope we get to see more of this in the future but judging from how dark this series seems to be getting these little moments may be few and far betwen sadly. Claudia finds an artifact that helped Magellan in his travels. Another funny quip from Claudia bout how old Artie is and that this is the first of two things they need to find. Then oops, it's a trap by the head the Knight of Templar like people. Who could it be? None other that Brent Spiner Mr. Data from Star Trek the Next Gen himself! Yay! Wouldn't you love to have him for a villain this year?! He gets dispatched quite easily by Pete and Myka and now they've all got to go to Italy to find the last piece. Wait a minute! What about Claudia? She says for them to go ahead and not worry about her. The camera stays on the place where she's trapped a little too long after they leave. Was there a reason for that? Hmmm. 

Things aren't any better in Italy. They have to break into St. Peter's vault but it's under a restaurant that they're not allowed into because of riots. Myka gets the bright idea to break a window so Pete and Artie can sneak inside. She is arrested and that's all we see of Myka. This doesn't matter remember because this world doesn't matter. Time travel remember! Ugh! Anyway, Pete and Artie meet more Knights and fight. Then Data appears again and this time it doesn't end well for Pete or Data. Data is stabbed in the chest by a dagger and Pete is stabbed in the gut. He does find the second artifact and gives it to Artie. Another example of killing of your main character because they'll be resurrected later. This time around though the show gives us some excellent acting on Pete and Artie's parts and THIS is why it's sorta saved  from the same old rehash of a story line. It was sad to watch Pete die and even sadder to know that he may not remember it but Artie will. Artie begins to activate the artifact but just before he does we learn that Data isn't quite dead yet and he warns Artie of the dire straits he could be putting everyone in if he tells anyone what he's done. Also that there will be an evil that will follow him forever because of this. So bringing back the warehouse isn't going to be all nice and dandy this time and I'm glad of that. Makes it a little different from the other times at least. Judging from the ending and next times scenes I'm sure most viewers are believing that the "evil that follows him" will be Claudia. I can see where Claudia would think it was not fair that Artie used this artifact to bring back everything and she was told she could not bring back Jinks with her artifact. I really hope that she won't be the complete baddie all the way through this season though if she does go that way. We've seen that on Buffy the Vampire Slayer too. You know, where Willow went bad. Not to say it wouldn't be interesting because it would but I would like to see Brent Spiner (big fan of Data, I might add) have a bigger role this year. I was excited to see him here and I think he deserves to shine in this show! 


Anyway, Artie uses the artifact and time is turned back to before the warehouse is destroyed. Artie uses Ghandi's shroud or something and lays it on the bomb but it doesn't work. Later, he gets Pete to bring Sykes back over to the warehouse. They lay the shroud on him and it works. The bomb is stopped and so is Sykes. He dies. I read somewhere during this time that someone wanted to know where Pete's mom went because wasn't she suppose to travel back through the opening in the wall before it was turned it off ? Oh well. Artie has HG forgiven and reinstated at the warehouse but not without some speculation from Mrs. Fredrick who has a gray streak! Oh my! Not everything is the same!  A strange dream where Claudia stabs Artie with a sword and then Leena calls Artie to let him know that Claudia left during the night! Uh oh! 

Sceness for this season look very interesting. Looks like Pete's mom is back and more Data! Yay! Two Star Trek alums this year! You couldn't ask for more! Also, Claudia doesn't seem to be taking things too well and was that Jinks?! Will he be back or was that just a tease? Tune in to find out! Warehouse 13 is back for over 20 episodes this season. More than they've ever had in any other season! Lets hope that is a good sign! 

Hmmm. ARTIe...ARTIfact! Maybe Artie himself is an artifact in some way by now? Has anyone else thought of this? lol! Tootles! 


  1. Warehouse 13 is always at the top of my watch-list. I have been watching it since season 1, and I have been telling my coworkers, at Dish, about its return for the last month, at least. I wasn’t able to watch the premiere live on Monday, but it is available on Dish Online for free, so I watched it this morning on my computer. I love how intricate the characters are, and even knowing that they are fictional, it’s hard not to feel loss when Pete died. I really hope we don’t have to see Artie self destruct about this evil, and I want Claudia to find peace quickly.

  2. Thank you for your reply. I agree. Claudia should find peace. I only hope that peace will not come with the price of her life.
