Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Little Bit About Me: I Love To Sing.

I love to sing karaoke. Here are a couple of songs from the wonderful and fun website Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

OUAT Spin-Off: Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Trailer

Here's the trailer for the spin-off Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. Hmmm. Judging from the trailer which is quite long, it could go either way: good or bad. What do you think?

Once Upon a Time: And Straight On 'Till Morning Review Part 2


Once Upon a Time: And Straight On 'Till Morning Review Part 2:

It looks like a possibly broken nosed Hook is changing sides again. What else is new? Regina makes a sweet, little speech to Henry about loving him while Emma makes a funny face at her. Regina promises Henry she won't let him be alone. Unbeknownst to anyone at the moment this was a goodbye. *tear*

Back in Neverland, Hook wants to keep the Dark One's kid on board. He could come in handy sometime. Oh, will he now? We are introduced to The Lost Ones. A rag tag group of young men who I assume are this Neverland's version of the Lost Boys. Cute little children dressed in cute little animal costumes they are not. Quite dark and sorta good looking they are. Well, the leader anyway. Leader boy asks Hook if he's seen Bae. Hook wants to keep the boy of course but lets the group search the ship. Who is the masked Lost One? Could that be Peter Pan or someone else we already know? Guess we won't find this out until next season. They find nothing and Leader boy threatens Hook that his master will rip his shadow. I don't know if I'm suppose to laugh or be frightened. Sounds a little like both to me. Of course, Hook had hidden Bae.

In Storybrooke, Gold thinks he's being looted by the dwarfs. Grumpy lets Gold know that Blue Fairy figured out an antidote to the memory loss curse and the dwarfs are wanting to bring Sneezy's memory back. Gold is quite surprised that this certain plot point was solved so quickly. Good going Gold, voicing our opinions on this crazy time passer. Ugh. What was the point of Lacey anyway? Gold doesn't understand why they want to wake their friend up just for him to find out he's going to die. Grumpy asked the fairy to make another dose for Gold to turn Lacey back to Belle. He's not quite sure he wants to do that for the same reason above. Great little speech there Grumpy:"Don't let her die as Lacey." Oh please, don't let that happen. Go Grumpy, who's still more like Dreamy isn't he?

Meanwhile back on Hook's ship in Neverland, Bae is growing his sea legs. Bae gets a chance at ship driver's ed with instructor Hook by his side. Hmmm. A teen driving Hook's ship. Watch out, Bae! Oh, well. Guess we won't have The Little Mermaid next year. 
 We are subject to some Hook back story about how his father abandoned him too. Awww. Lost Boys unite! Bae actually tells Hook his father is The Dark One because of Hook telling his story. Oh, come on Bae! I love ya but sometimes you are too trusting! Why in the world would Bae trust Hook enough to tell him about the only thing that could kill his father?! Boy, he is your father! This guy has a hook on his hand and is a pirate. Are you tripping?! Just enough info for Hook to emo more! Grand!

Back in Storybrooke, Hook and Charming find the Bores. Hook fights Greg and grabs a magic bean from him. Charming runs after Tomorrow. The Bores run away but Hook has a bean which he seems to place in his pouch.

Emma and Regina are in the diamond mine at the trigger diamond. Once the diamond stops glowing the real destruction will begin. Basically, Regina says slowing down the diamond will probably kill her. Emma now knows the speech she said earlier to Henry was goodbye. Regina wants to go out as herself not as The Evil Queen. THIS was one of the best moments of the night! Did you really think this show was going to let go of the best character (besides Gold) they got? Great acting though and one of the sole reasons I continue to watch! Regina is the man! Just before she begins whatever she doing to slow it down, Emma was going to say something else! Will we ever hear what it was? I hope so!

Gold seems to want to change Lacey back to Belle when Lacey tries to use Bae's shawl to wipe up some spilled booze. Oookay. He fixes broken Chip with magic. Well, if it was that easy we all wouldn't have been so distraught about it earlier. lol! Lacey drinks and now she's Belle. How easy? Next year their story line better be better! She's woken up to have another emo moment. Let's share the pain all around!

Henry shines when Emma tells him Regina is going to sacrifice herself so the others can hop a ride on that magic bean! He starts to sound like a Lilo and Stitch movie! "We don't leave family behind!" Go Henry! Snow comes up with the bright idea to throw the diamond into the bean portal. Did we not learn anything about that wraith?! Sucking the wraith down the hole made Fairy Tale land not so happy. Remember Philip, people! So glad it did NOT end like that! Snow makes a speech to her daughter how she should have chosen the harder path when dealing with Cora. I do agree with her on this point. Maybe she wouldn't have a blackening heart if she went that way. "...cause if we don't we'll be building a future on Regina's blood." Great line! Hook tries to skip out on the deal and take the bean with him. Emma tries to convince him to stay and tells him Henry is Bae's son. MORE Emo Hook!

In Neverland, Bae finds out about Hook and Milah. He thinks Hook killed his mother but learns instead that he was her lover. Bae seems more upset that Hook betrayed him than about the fact his father killed his mother. Hmmm. I thought adult Bae didn't know that but here we have him learning it from Hook when he was a kid. Okay, poor confused Bae who wants to just get away from Hook. Even the Lost Ones look better to him now. Great acting boy!

The Charmings go back to Regina and Henry says Regina is a hero because she's willing to die to save them. Aww. Will this be changing Regina for good? I wish! Only problem though is Hook still has the bean. Why doesn't that surprise me? Hook is on his ship with the pretty bean. Hmm. I wonder what would happen if you ate a magical bean? Could make magic bean casserole with a few of them. They might taste good for a moment...until a magic portal forms inside your stomach. Talk about a universal meal! I'm so sorry.

Hook gives a disappointed Bae to The Lost Ones. What's your problem Bae? You said you wanted to go to them earlier? Emo Hook again.

Another sweet moment between Henry and Regina. She doesn't think she can hold it off any longer. Also, Emma calls Snow and Charming mom and dad. Was that the first time? Emma teams up with Regina and gives her good magic a try! This does the trick! Yay! Gold walks out of his shop like,"Oh so we're not going to die. Okay." You slacker! Storybrooke is saved...but where is Henry?! Yep, the Bores have him! So now Henry is important again but for what reason? Of course the group don't get there in time before Henry, Greg, and Tomorrow jump into the bean portal! Well, kid your wish came true! You going to another world! Hope you enjoy yourself! Rumps has to stick his nose in the biz now that it involve Henry. No bean portal, now way of getting to Henry. Rumps seems slightly happy about the situation. Grrr. Hook returns to help! Horray! Show can't end without more Emo Hook! He wants to change motives. They now have a magic bean and a pirate ship! Everyone ready to go! Hook and Gold together on board. This should be interesting. For some weird reason Gold wants Belle to stay behind. Maybe because now that he thinks Bae is dead and Belle staying in Storybrooke he can go after Henry! Don't you dare do that! Also, is it just me or is Rumbelle becoming a little annoying at the moment? As much as I hate to say this maybe a little break from the two would be best.

Well, well, we find out Bae lands right back in fairy tale land where and conveniently right where Philip, Aurora, and Mulan are at. See, he won't die, Emma! lol!

The gang find out Henry was taken to Neverland and at Neverland Bae has just landed on shore with The Lost Ones. Bae is not the one this mysterious Shadow/PeterMan wants. It's actually his son, Henry?!!! What is that all about? Will Henry be meeting a child Bae? Will Rumps meet up with his little son again? What will it be like to see Emma with child Bae? The funniest thing might be not one but TWO Emo Hooks! Imagine two Hooks fighting each other! Better yet, Hook told Gold he's given up on killing him but Neverland Hook is still after him. That's going to cause some huge misunderstandings! Biggest question of all. Why does Peter Pan want Henry?! Maybe all this questions will be answered next season! Also, we have a spin-off coming to our screens! Once Upon a Time in Wonderland! Hope this means we'll have more Jefferson! Goodnight Storybrooke, for now.

Once Upon a Time: And Straight On 'Till Morning Review Part 1


Once Upon a Time: And Straight On 'Till Morning Review Part 1 (Part 2 later):

Well, we are here at the finale! Regina shines...sorta literally, Emma shows she really IS The Princess of Power, more pain and confusion for Rumps, Belle is back but not with Rumps for long, Henry is important again, and why did Rumbelle become slightly annoying there for a moment? Oh, and everyone's favorite kid FINALLY gets his dream come true and goes down the hole! So, let's kick this pirate ship into overdrive, hug an emo Hook, and wave goodbye to Belle (and the show until next season)! In the seeming words of Rumples,"So long sweet cakes! NOW, Henry is mine! Muwahahaha!"

The episode begins with Emo Hook looking at a pic of his lost love Milah. Smee has some pretty cheesy lines about how Hook WILL have his revenge. Sometimes I just want to grab that red toboggan off of his head and throw it into the sea! The conversation quickly goes to the wet, little boy they just rescued. Doesn't take Smee long to get to the boy being The Dark One's kid. Well, I guess Smee's smarter than we take him for. Hmmm. When Hook finally gets the name out of the boy he gives Smee a look. Oh, now this is interesting! Will he use the boy to get to The Dark One or will he end up loving the boy because he's his lost love's son? Oh what a complicating life we weave, writers! FINALLY, Hook may have more substance than just "I want to kill The Dark One!" Oh, and have I mentioned how much I love little Bae in this one yet?
 Yo ho, Yo ho! A pirate's life for Bae! Show comes on and seems like nothing much in the background. Could that be Neverland? Hmmm.

Oh, little Henry is rope swinging near some jagged rocks (who built this playground) while Granny sits nearby and another emo watches! Rumps tries to kill Henry by making the rope slowly break so he'll land on some rocks! Oh, come on old man! Forget this "he will be your undoing" crap and go play with your grandson! Well, I guess this is as close as The Dark One ever gets to playing with his family. Dysfunctional indeed! Ugh! Yay! Charming to the rescue once again! Least Henry has one decent grandfather! Bad news for Henry and Rumps! Emma talks to Henry and Charming and Snow to Rumpy. Poor Rumps, just gained his son only to lose him again through another portal. I was expecting to see Rumpy go all medieval on Tomorrow. Wouldn't it be awesome to see Rumpy change into The Dark One and kick some...well you know! Hey, speaking of old Dark One when and if Rumpy ever goes through a portal will he turn back into The Dark One? Especially if he ever returns to Fairytale Land? That would be quite awesome! Anyway, Rumpy instead blames himself and its a heartbreaking moment handled quite nicely by Robert Carlyle. Of course he gives up though and doesn't care about the trigger diamond that Tomorrow and Greg have might kill everyone. Bae's dead and who cares anymore! Should we have expected more from him? Ugh.

In the diamond mines, the Bores and Hooky Babe are looking for a pick axe to activate the diamond. Hook finally sees that these two are blindly following some kook and want to kill everybody. Yeah, Hook these people are more Loony Tunes than you are. Time to switch those beautiful loyalties of yours again and motives this time! Hmmm.

Looks like Regina has recovered quite quickly from that shock therapy of last episode. Guess this is thanks to Blue Fairy. Now back to her stylish, evil self right? Maybe not...a least for now. In comes Henry and he hugs his mom (Regina). Finally, some love for Regina even though it still irks me she hasn't told Henry she erased some of his memories a few episodes back. Ugh! Some shaky camera moves and falling things signal Regina that the trigger has been activated and they're all going to kick the bucket. All except Henry because he was born in this world. Emma and Regina argue about it but Henry stops them in time for Hook to make his appearance. Good right hook, Charming! I'm really liking him today. Don't think I've ever said that before!

Once Upon a Time: Second Star to the Right Review Part 2


Once Upon a Time: Second Star to the Right Review Part 2:

This soapy triangle can take a back seat to this mysterious home office that is mentioned. So these two work for someone and whoever this person is will probably be much more interesting than Tomorrow and Greg. At least I'm hoping this will be true. In the torture chamber, Hook is having a little conversation with a pre-fried Regina. Loyalties are so convoluted on this show aren't they? Dare I say Hook and Regina have a little chemistry together? Well, it seems the "where's my father" storyline is going to take a back seat to taking magic out of the world. Poor naive Regina doesn't know about shock therapy/torture. She's going to get a first hand experience with that. Was this suppose to be payback for all the evil things she's done to people? Did this shock her back to being Regina or just to being more devious and clever? We'll see later won't we? Why do I feel sorry for her? Guess it all comes down to the incredible character and the actress who plays her! I wonder how many times she's shocked in this episode?

Back in Victorian London, Wendy's parents find out she's been hiding a boy in the nursery. Do they scold her and kick the dirty boy out of the house? No, they welcome him into their home as their third son. Remember they already have John and Michael. If only it could be so easy for the real orphans of the world.

Emma is suspecting Tomorrow of kidnapping Regina and Bae Smoker still doesn't want to believe it. He's like,"Hey, stop dissing on my woman. She gives me smokes!"

Wendy talks of a magical shadow and little Bae is like, "Shut up girl! Magic comes with a price! This thing is straight up evil. Don't you go messing around with it again!" She promises along with her curious brothers but that quickly flies out the window so to speak.

Snow and David Charming visit Golden Lace for some answers. Gold tells boozer Belle to leave. All he has this time is a bottle of tears. Well, it helps more than you would think though. With a tear from Snow added to Regina's tears now Snow can feel whatever Regina is feeling at the moment. This was a great way to show how Regina feels when she's not tortured but that doesn't come across. All we get is Snow feeling those little shocks she's getting.

Lacey finds out Gold can do magic through this little venture. Which leads to her wanting to become immortal with Gold. Not liking Lacey even more now!

Wendy quickly breaks her promise and goes with The Shadow only to return and Bae finds out that Neverland is not a happy place and the children there are treated like slaves.

Tomorrow acts like she doesn't know anything about Regina but this doesn't stop Emma. Regina later learns the boring couple are here to not steal magic but destroy it. Over at Charming Central Snow has felt Regina's feelings and she mentions that she smelled sardines which triggers Emma into thinking maybe she's at the Storybrooke Cannery. Side note: All this stuff with docks and sea side stuff. I'm surprised The Little Mermaid hasn't been brought up in the town yet. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone run into Granny's Diner saying they've seen a mermaid by the docks? That would rock!

The Charmings and Bae Smoker all team up at the Cannery to find Regina and the baddies. They get spotted and the Bores are packing up to leave. Greg ups the tension trying to get out of Regina the whereabouts of his father. I like how Regina reveals that Greg's father is dead. She so weary, messed up, and crying by now and I'm pretty sure what she says to Greg still isn't true. The girl has some strength! Poor Regina, she still gets another blow from Freaky boy though! Ugh! Who else wants to see Regina get some revenge on this guy sooo badly?! I DOOO!

Back in Victorian London Bae and the Darlings plan a way to keep The Shadow away but it ends up Bae gives his own self to The Shadow to save the Darlings. Can anyone else see why I love little Bae better than big Bae? So sweet, kind, innocent and caring. All the qualities I wish his father would show more of. He's got to have got that from somewhere and I don't believe it came from Milah. We get a Harry Potter broom stick like ride through London with Bae and the Shadow! Big Ben is set to 8:15. Oh, the symbolism. Off to Neverland Bae!

Gosh! Cool it Freaky Boy! Regina should be Loony Tunes by now with how many times Greg went to town with the sparkage! Grrrr! Yay! Prince Charming to the rescue! Make Freaky Boy run! Charming and Snow rescues Regina and Greg is out of there! You little coward! Snow wants to help Regina. Yes, lets do that! Please!

Bae Smoker gets a shock of his own that yes it IS his fiancee and Greg behind of this messed up craziness! Don't you love being betrayed Neal? Hehe! Now you can get back to Emma! Glorious cat fight ensues between Emma and Tomorrow! Really, it was quite good! In this corner Magical Emma Princess of Power and in this corner girl with a crazy name! Can't forget that Tomorrow shot Bae!Guess that's two up for her because she pulls out bean power and green magical toilet bowl dreams lie in store for Bae Smoker! Wooo boy! Looks like Emma may be the one to go again as she grabs hold of a pipe that is falling into the portal. Bae saves her and everything seems fine for a few seconds until the floorboards they're standing on break loose! Now we have a familiar scene. Someone holding onto Bae trying to stop him from leaving. Emma is afraid if he falls into the hole he'll die because he's shot. Like no one else will be there to help him in the other world, Emma? How do you know? They share their I Love Yous and Bae gord down the hole...again! Can't Emma ever get a break? Yeah, sure. A Kit Kat break!

Bae and Shadow boy arrives in Neverland but Bae is able to break free of the Shadow and falls in the sea. He is rescued by who else? None other than Captain Sparrow wannabe Hookie Babe! This will be interesting to see how THIS relationship goes! Back in Storybrooke a heartbroken Emma has a sweet moment with Daddy Charming and worries about how she is going to tell Henry about his father. Awwww. Greg is devestated about his father. Oh I see! See how all this has to do with fathers and sons this year? Bae and Henry, Gold and Bae, Gold and Henry, Greg and his dad, and Emma and Charming. Awwww. This year's finale should have ended on Father's Day not Mother's Day! The black diamond that Greg and Tomorrow stole from Regina is a trigger to blow up Storybrooke! Great another end of the world scenario on a tv series. Never seen that before! On to the season finale!

Once Upon a Time: Second Star to the Right Review Part 1

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN ON FACEBOOK. I'm trying to see if it can post here. Please be patient with me.

Okay, peeps. I'm going to write a review here for the finale of ABC's Once Upon a Time. SPOILERS for anyone who has not seen this show or these last episodes. You have been warned...

I have a blog called Dobby's Dungeon (where I used to write these reviews) and recently it has been rather dormant because of the freezing problems I've been having on that site. I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for these reviews. Maybe this will sorta make up for that. Also planning to write reviews of the other episodes later down the road if this works out. This time though I will be writing about the last two episodes of this season, Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'Till Morning. This review will be for Second Star to the Right.

One more warning before we begin. These reviews might be kind of long because...1. of the reasons mentioned above, 2. I tend to babble on about shows I like but that doesn't mean it is always going to be sunshine and roses. I WILL complain about things I DON'T like about the episode. I want the show to improve as we go along, not get worse, and 3. it's the freaking season finale! Okay, if anyone is still with me. Let's truly begin!
 (Part 1 review Part 2 will come later)

ABC's Once Upon a Time: Second Star to the Right Review PART 1:

Well, well, we finally get back to my fav actor who plays Bae (read my other reviews and you'll see why I really don't like adult Bae) and we FINALLY find out where Bae went when he fell down his very first magical, green portal! The first time I saw this part I thought wow he's grown too! Just like little Snow who shot up like a bean stalk in her return to the series. His voice has changed as well. Unlike some of the awkwardness this caused with Bailey Madison's return in where she was supposed to be younger than her first appearance, Dylan Schmid's growth didn't bother me so much. Especially, since we are going forward in the timeline and later we are shown that six months have gone by. Boys his age can grow fast in six months. Even when there's not much food around...I guess. Ah, London, England in Victorian days. This so is not our world is it? Remember when Emma asked adult Bae how he knew Hook and he said this world wasn't the first place he visited? Well, is that a mistake on the writers' parts or has all those cigarettes he seemed to have smoked by then affected his memories? Sorry, I just don't like the guy.
 Ah, London, England, a lifetime of hanging with Tramp from Lady and the Tramp before he finds Lady, trying to find his way through all that fog, and avoiding sewage dumps falling from high windows. Wait, maybe those last two are in the wrong time period. My bad.

Show comes on with the clock tower in the forest which says 8:15 on it. Wait, that's Big Ben! How sneaky guys!

So, a life of growing up on the streets of London and scavenging for food is better than a life in a land of magic where your father could give you anything you want? He could have easily been Oliver Twist! Knowing how that story ends it wouldn't be such a bad thing! No good ole Charles Dickens this time. Only an open (window) invitation to FOOD! Well, he meets Nana first, a dog so big he could have eaten Lady! At least Wendy is nicer than her big pup. Wow, really nice. Hey, dirty boy have all our food! lol!

In Storybrooke, Tomorrow (I will be calling Tamara this because her name GETS ON MY LAST NERVE! She makes me think of little orphan Annie singing Tomorrow so that is what she'll be!) is pretending like she's going on a run in the forest! Yes, good for you. Get off the screen. Bae Smoker stops wallowing in bed because he hears Pops and his bar fly torturing Frankie outside. Now that bar fly (Lacey) is getting her kicks from watching Rumpy's bad side I guess if anyone just looks at bar fly wrong they get to smell Rump's sole. Hehe. Don't really like Frankie much either. Bae Smoker's got one thing going for him. He's able to stop his father from doing something stupid. Rumps is really acting quite strange recently. He just got his son back and he's spending all his time with bar fly? I kind of agree with Bae on this one. Trust me, this is hard for me to say because I am a RumBelle fan. So Bae is only here for Henry. Not what Rumps wants to hear. Grrr. Get over it Rumps. Henry is your grandson. You should be glad he'll be your undoing, no matter what that means!

Well, family Charming has found out that Regina has kept a few beans for herself and now she missing. When Emma says Gold is too busy to have done something to Regina because he's too busy with his new/old girlfriend boy was that an understatement. The guy seems like he wants to do nothing but play with is girlie. Ugh. As much as I love those two in the last two episodes they seem to annoy me.

Tomorrow and Greg are getting Regina ready for something while talking about magic beans and diamonds. Throw in a little jealousy in there and we have a soap opera I don't care too much for. Greg was much better when he had a strange relationship with Regina. Now this triangle has ruined my interest in him. I like the actor who plays him though. Used to watch a show he starred in called Freakylinks. It lasted only one season but it's very good. You should check it out sometime.