Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Queen of Hearts Review!

     What a way to say goodbye to 2012 Once Upon a Time! Great episode and a great winter finale. We have a Jack Sparrow wannabe, two story hairdos, attempts at heart stealing, the heartless, a magical Snow and Emma, a goading Rumpy, surprising turnabouts, a sleazy line, and two new citizens to Storybrooke! We have so much to talk about!


     Hook kills a guard while making a quip about being called captain. Okay, enough with the Jack Sparrow references! Did you want Hook or Jack writers?! lol! He enters the cell where the Evil Queen kept Belle unbeknownst to Rumples back in the day. Belle thinks she's saved until she says she won't help Hook kill Rumples. No duh! So Hook knocks her out and prepares to kill her.
     Okay, about Belle for a moment. This episode which was heavy on heart stealing and controlling people who are heartless gave me the idea that if Cora herself isn't being controlled by someone (my bets would be Rumpy. Yeah I think Rumpy could have her heart. Sounds weird but he is always two or 5 billions steps ahead of everyone on this show.) then I believe it would be very interesting if Cora or Hook one day tries to control Belle. The damage they could do to RumBelle would send fans into a major frenzy! Belle could be turned against Rumpy so much so he tries to kill her but discovers she has no heart. Oh what would happen then?! Okay, my RumBelle speculations are over. Back to the episode.
     Belle is rescued from being killed by her captor. A female Elvis impersonator walks in and gives Hook a deal. Wow, did you noticed that lady's hair?! The giant from a couple of episodes back would have competition with the height of that do! Nope, did not like Evil Queen Regina's outfit this time. She struts around in that getup while giving Hook the job of keeping Mommie Dearest out of the way while she plans her Evil Curse. Hook is on a trip to Wonderland to kill and bring back Cora's (who is finally revealed to be the Queen of Hearts which I'm sure everyone had guessed by now) body to Regina.
     Regina gives Hook Jefferson's hat and the dead guard to travel to Wonderland. While there he is captured of course by the Queen of Hearts and this time it doesn't take long for Cora to reveal herself behind the mask. Regina enchanted Hook's hook so it could take one person's heart. She of course wanting that person to be Cora. The table turns however when we learn along with Hook that Cora is heartless! We all knew Cora was heartless before but we didn't know it was so literally. Hmmm. Where is Cora's heart? Does she have it hidden as she claims? Is it somewhere in Wonderland? Or is it in someone else's hands? Could Cora be under control? My guess is Rumples but we have to wait and see because there is no time for that now. Cora grabs Hook's heart and brings him over to her side choosing to let him keep his heart and just use him to get to her daughter.
     Later, she pretends that Hook killed her and she lies in a casket while Regina claims she still loves her but that love is a weakness and she cannot risk having that weakness in the new place the curse will bring her. (Henry is a weakness then isn't he? When will Regina realize that and what will happen to our poor Henry?) After Regina leaves, Cora and Hook plan to shield themselves from the Evil Curse and bide their time until Regina is weak enough for Cora to cross over and have her revenge! We are subjected to a pretty cool scene where we're shown how the land that survived the curse was protected.


     Regina is worried and talks to Gold about how Charming will not wake up until Snow is there to kiss him. Rumples tries to talk her into going along with his plan to keep Cora from making it to Storybrooke even if it could kill Snow and Emma too. He tells her if Snow and Emma go through the portal then Henry will only have her, Regina as a mother. I really don't know what Rumpy's plan is here but he sure was quite cruel in this episode. I kept thinking Belle has a lot of work to do on this guy!
     Later after a heartfelt talk with Henry. Henry begins to believe that maybe Regina is changing for the good and that seems to be what Regina wants to hear even though she knows about Rumpy's plan. Rumpy and Regina take all the diamonds from the tunnels. They are absorbed into the Fairy Godmother's wand that Rumpy stole from the murdered fairy. Later, Red and the dwarfs discover this theft. Red and Henry confront Rumpy and Regina at the well where the two have placed a force field in the well that would kill anyone coming through the portal that formed there from Fairytale Land!


     The four (Snow, Emma, Mulan, and a Cora controlled Aurora) have finally made it to Rumpy's old cell. All they find within though is an empty ink bottle. Where is the squid ink that Rumples said would be there. Doesn't matter at the moment because Aurora triggers the latch that brings down the cell doors on all of them. Now they are trapped and they learn that Cora and Hook have Aurora under their control. Cora magics the compass out of Emma's hands and leaves the four there to face their fate. They find a scroll where Rumpy wrote Emma's name over and over on. Thinking he went nuts thinking about Emma the gang almost give up hope of ever escaping. Emma has a talk with her mom about being Rumpy's pawn. That she really isn't anything important or magical. This was all Rumpy's plan from the beginning. In a way she is right because a surprising bit of a lucky break comes their way in the Emma scroll. Snow remembers watching Cora doing spells back when she was a little girl. Snow figures out that the scroll is written in squid ink and blows the letters off the scroll where they drift over to the bars of the cage and make them disappear! Right here was a moment I think Jennifer Morrison made a little mistake. When she figures out what's going on and says something like "the scroll was written on squid ink!" Shouldn't that be "the scroll was written on with squid ink"? Just thought it sounded funny. Go back to the part. I love to hear what you think. Maybe I'm mistaken.
     Anyway, the four are free but Aurora stays there thinking it would be best since she is under Cora's control. The trio make it just in time to Lake Nostas where Cora has made a watery portal to Storybrooke and Hook and herself are about to jump in when I believe the compass is knocked out of their hands. Emma, Snow, and Mulan find Hook and Cora. There's a moment where Emma is fighting Hook and he has an incredibly sleazy line about his sword and Emma! Ewwww! Emma takes control of the situation though! Yay! Cora tries to take Snow's heart but Emma jumps in between them and Cora takes hold of Emma's heart instead! Surprise, surprise! Cora cannot take Emma's heart because she is a product of true love and Cora learns the hard way that love is not weakness. It is strength. Snow and Emma finally jump through the portal.


     Rumple knocks out Red and Regina tries to make Henry understand what they're doing. Henry is worried that it won't be Cora who comes through but it will be Snow and Emma. He wants them to stop  this magic for his mom's and grandmother's sakes! In a shocking turnabout Regina absorbs all the negative magic out of the portal! For a brief second we wonder if Regina was too late. Then out of the well comes the two heroines we love. Henry is overjoyed and so are Snow and Emma. They thank Regina and leave. Over at Gold's shop Snow wakes up Charming with her kiss and everyone is once again happy and together! Everyone is invited to go over to Granny's to celebrate. Well, almost everyone. Rumples and Regina are left out of all the happiness. Henry only thanks her and leaves with his real mom. Rumpy sees an opportunity to rub this in Regina's face. Regina is left to feel the pain. Good job everyone! Lets leave out the once evil woman who is trying to redeem herself after she made a major sacrifice for her son. What a great way to turn her evil again! Congrats! How cruel was Rumpy during this moment? Does he truly enjoy hurting these people or are we once again only seeing all of his motives from one angle? Sometimes the writers truly frustrate me! Grrrr!
     Later Emma talks to Gold about how if he had the squid ink while he was captured in the cell back then why didn't he escape. Gold replies it was all part of his plan of course. Emma asks if all she has done has also been all his plan. He tells her that Cora not being able to take her heart was a magic that is solely Emma's very own. She is magical because she is true love.

    All seems relatively well in Storybrooke until we learn Hook has a bean from the giant and with Cora's magical help they are somehow seen making their way to the shores of Storybrooke in Hook's ship! Wow! What a way to out until January 2013!

     Oh my gosh! Next time scenes look awesome as well! Did Gold ask Emma to find his son? Looks like leaving Regina out of the celebrations is already coming back and biting Emma in the butt! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and then onto the next episode of this epic series! Thanks for being patient and reading my reviews! I love to write them and I hope you all love to read them. Until next time! Tootles! :D

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Into the Deep Review!

    Well, well, well. Once Upon a Time is finally back after it's two week break for...just two episodes before the MAJOR winter break which we will be Snow-less all December until January! Ugh. This episode was okay. It did deliver in action and twists which isn't this why we watch Once? Maybe it's for the romance of Snow and Charming? Maybe it's for the connection between Emma and Henry? Maybe it's for the love of Rumpy and Belle? We get a tiny bit of all these in this episode but it still felt a little lacking to me. Maybe that is because there are SO many people involved in this series to actually involve so many in one episode we lose too much oh I don't know...emotional connection? An episode like this proves that you really have to watch Season 1 to really grasp the concept. Oh well newbies go watch Season 1 It is sooo well worth the watch because it is gooood! Let's truly begin.


     Hook and Cora are reunited and talk of betrayal and such which is the surprising focal point of this episode by the end. Cora raises an army of dead village people. No, not to start a truly awesome chorus of Zombie Macho Man or YMCA but for the task of stopping Snow, Emma, Mulan, and Aurora. Can someone please remind me of where those girls were going in the beginning because I've forgotten during the break. lol! Sorry, this is what happening when I only watch it one time before making a review. My bad.

    Anyway, Emma shows Aurora a picture of Henry and asks if he is the boy that she saw in her dreams pf the sleeper's netherworld. Of course they're one of the same. A little more talking and they finally figure out they have their own human walkie-talkie. Emma's like well girl you are useful for something after all and not just an extra mouth to feed. GET YOUR BUTT BACK TO SLEEP! *Bam* Well, she doesn't knock her out because that would've been too awesome and as awesome as Emma is, she's not that awesome yet. Aurora goes to sleep and dreams and finds Henry there.


     Meanwhile, Gold and Belle are having a lovely, little date at Granny's Diner when Queenie Regina comes in and destroys all! Buwahhha! Well, nooo. Not true. That would've been old Regina. She only destroys the moment between the two. She starts talking about a lot of things that so obviously Rumpy has not gotten around to informing Belle about. Which would probably mean just about anything from his evil past but this time it's about stopping Cora. A few more embarrassing moments in front of Belle and that's all of RumBelle this time. Belle is never seen again in this episode.
     Back at Emma's and Snow's apartment Regina gives Henry a blanket from his bedroom. Trying to be the good little mommy. How much longer can she pull this off? Henry tells David that he wants to be a hero himself for once so we get one more adventure with Henry before the big dudes have to come in a ruin it for him. Rumpy magically lulls Henry to sleep with a story about when Snow and Charming captured him by using a cursed quill. Well, we learn the quill wasn't the magic it was the ink inside it. It came from a special squid that lives in a place that only Rumpy himself  and mermaids can venture. Hmmm. So now we are talking about mermaids and squids. Does that mean Ariel and Captain Nemo will be coming to our screens soon? Rumpy tells Henry that this ink can be found in the cell that Rumpy was held in and that's how Cora will be trapped I assume. Of course we are talking about Rumpy so we really don't know if this is his agenda or not.

     Henry is back in dream netherworld and tries to tell Aurora but cannot do so before she is whisked away by a tornado because Mulan was waking her up? More Wizard of Oz reference? Henry wakes and is badly burned again which Rumpy heals.


     Aurora is pulled out of the dream netherworld because the group are being attacked by the zombie village people! After a few little action scenes Aurora is taken to Cora.  Eventually a decision is made to put Snow under instead. Some crazy explanation about how Snow can return to this netherworld because she's been there before even though it's been years. Okay, we'll believe you. Snow asks Mulan to make some more poppy dust like what she used on the giant. Mulan says we have to travel to find some more because there isn't any where they're at. Does that mean by the end of this episode they're in the land of OZ? Remember the field of poppies Dorthy and gang fall asleep in? Please Once Upon a Time go to OZ already!!! You've hinted at it enough! It's time to go there!!!
     Later Aurora is a captive of Cora's and she tries to win the princess over to her side by saying her prince Phillip is still alive but only in another realm. Aurora won't listen to her crap. Later we see Hook setting her free. He tells her because he wants Emma to trust him. Cora betrayed him and he wants Emma to know he is not going to betray them if he gets what he wants.


     The adults decide it isn't safe for Henry to travel back to the dream netherworld but Rumpy objects. See what I did there. Hehe. Of course until the love vibe between Charming and Snow begins and somehow David just KNOWS Snow is going over instead of Aurora. Is it me or are the writers taking too many liberties with this episode? Well, we are talking about fairy tales so what else is new. Off to create another sleeping potion for Charming. This gives Regina and Henry some time together. The conversation sort of goes like someone with a drinking habit going into rehab for their child. "I've only had a couple of set-backs son but I promise after this NEVER AGAIN!" Oh we shall see Queenie...we shall see.
     We get to see Rumpy's big spinning wheel from "Skin Deep" again and this time it is used to place the sleeping potion Charming will take onto its needle. Sleeping Beauty...yeah we get it. Hey, Belle is also a Beauty. Will we see Belle pricking herself one day on the same needle? With how Belle's relationship with Gold is right now I don't think his kiss would wake her. I'm sure it has to be pure, doubtless love that wakes a person. Belle isn't so sure right now. Oh well, need to stop this. Too much of a RumBelle fan.
     David assures Henry that faith in each other will conquer all and everything will be just fine. Just before he pricks his finger he asks Gold if he can be sure he'll go to this place immediately. Rumpy isn't so sure because this is the first time Charming has gone under. Henry gives Charming his necklace and says it will protect him from the flames. *prick* Charming is down. Charming finds himself carrying a nice torch walking around in a room of mirrors. He uses Henry's charm to find out that the fire room is just below him. Takes off the charm. More of David's stupidity, cracks open the wall, falls through to the other room and breaks the necklace! Good one Charming. The two find one another and more sappy romance after Charming tells Snow about Rumpy's cell. He leaps over the flames to Snow but they cannot touch thank goodness. Snow starts to wake up and disappear but not fast enough for me. Ugh. Then we get this sappy Christmas themed Once commercial where Charming is saying let it snow, let it snow and Snow says, "Charming." Oh, will the cheese ever end?!


     Mulan blows the poppy dust in Snow's face and Snow is out but later she wakes up after her adventure with her lover boy and the compass is gone and so is Mulan. They catch up with Mulan but she won't give the compass back. Later Aurora shows up to a surprised Emma. Aurora tells them that Hook let her escape and says he wants Emma to trust him and that he may care for her. We soon find out that Hook is betraying them because he had took out Aurora's heart and had given it to Cora who now has control over everything Aurora does and says.

Next time's scenes seem quite confusing. More well action and who is working for whom? We shall see next week and then the rest of December we'll be waiting for our next gift of an episode coming in January. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and until the next review tootles! :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Child of the Moon Review!

     Its time once again for Ruby Red to shine on Once Upon a Time. We have an annoying step-father coming back to annoy their step-son, making a vicious animal into a little dog that will come at their beck and call (well, at least the good side has one thing up their sleeve), dream walkie-talkies, Rumpy's soft spot for children, and a possible foretelling of things to come! We have a few things to talk about so lets begin.

     Tow truck man from previous episodes now has an actual fairy tale counterpart. Of course he does. Everyone in this town has one. Why though did they have to pick on Gus-Gus?! He was the most popular, cutest mouse from Cinderella and here he is resorted to the disposable character. Gus wants to date Ruby. A wolf with a mouse. Sounds more like a wolf dinner to me. Belle saves Ruby by helping to turn him down. These girls are too much alike in the looks department. With their dark hair they look like sisters. Yes Ruby, you should chill out with Belle in her creepy library that has a steam punk elevator leading to a dungeon basement which leads to the mines. Maybe the wolf would have been safe there during all this drama. Couldn't say as much for the dwarfs though. Werewolf dwarfs! That could be interesting!

      Ruby's first time of the month since the curse was broken is coming (you know what I mean) and she's afraid she'll turn into the wolf and kill someone. So Granny locks her in their freezer...I think that's the freezer. Granny's Diner Today's Special : Pop-cycle Wolf! Ruby seems to have other plans than being Granny's appetizer though. It appears she turned into the wolf and broke out overnight! Werewolf loose in Storybrooke! No, we won't be seeing a horrific scene like in An American Werewolf in London. Darn it! Just a dead Gus-Gus who's been cut in half with his legs tossed in a dumpster. Poor actress who plays Ruby has to complain and cry again thinking she's the one who did it. Don't know why but her crying gets on my nerves. Sorry it just does. Ruby wants to turn herself in and King George wants her dead!

     Speaking of King George he's vowing now to shame Charming and disgrace him in the eyes of the town. This Ruby thing seems like the best opportunity. When he gathers a mob of townsfolk outside the police station he gets quite a shock that Ruby has been moved! Take that Georgie Porgie! Charming has brought her back to Belle's library for safe keeping until Georgie's crap is over. Doesn't take long for Ruby to believe she should sacrifice herself as punishment for killing Gus though. She chains Belle up and leaves the library to face her fate. By the time Charming hears, the crowd has cornered her in her wolf form near some dumpsters. Charming has her cloak and sweet talks the wolf telling Ruby she can control her actions. Of course Charming isn't torn to shreds because the writers don't want that. We now have a wild puppy dog we can call on anytime we want just like in Fairy tale land again, and Ruby can run wild and free in the forest! Good doggie! Go for your walk! I still want some story between Ruby and Rumples! Can you see Rumples being attacked by Ruby?! That's just what we all need. A werewolf Dark One!

      Speaking of Rumples, Henry is continuing to have bad dreams of the burning, red room and this time he wakes up with a burn on his hand just in time for Regina (who's babysitting) to see it and panick. She calls Rumples who comes over with his bag of tricks and gives Henry a vial on a chain for him to wear. I love how the conversation between these three transpires. Rumples turns all his vicious remarks onto Regina. Blaming her for all of this mess in the first place. He's quite sweet to Henry. Dare I say Henry reminds him of Bae? He also says Henry will not have a price to pay when Queenie objects to his gift. He claims it's "on him." What does that mean? Will he take any problems that come with this magic or will Henry have to pay whether Rumpy wants him too or not. Judging from next times scenes oh yeah Henry gonna pay! Another thing. Rumpy says Henry can control this netherworld with the necklace and to control what you fear causes you to not fear it anymore. Will Henry end up controlling Rumples one day or someone else with the dagger? Will Rumples have to be stabbed to truly end it all? Remember if the dagger is used whoever uses it will become the next Dark One. Imagine what troubles could come with a Dark One Henry!

     Now with the reveal that Georgie killed Gus and burned Jefferson's hat there has to be another way to help Emma and Snow. The dwarfs found diamonds for fairy dust but without the hat how will they ever get the girls back? Well, it looks like Henry has sort of answered that question. With his Rumpyfied necklace he can control the flames in his dream and communicate with the mysterious girl with him. She turns out to be Aurora who quickly wakes up and lets Emma and Snow know she's just talked to Henry! So last year Emma and Henry had walkie talkies and this year its dream walkie talkies. Is that the only way to contact fairy tale world? We'll have to wait and see.


     Snow is still on the run and at the moment she's with Ruby. Ruby's cloak gets a hole in it so she tells Snow to leave for a while. She's afraid she'll turn into the wolf and kill Snow. While she's gone Ruby runs into a Taylor Lautner wannabe and meets a pact of wolves in a sunken castle. We've just turned into Twilight! YUCK!!! Okay, bad taste in my mouth. Edward tastes like chicken. Okay, sorry. This Harry Potter fan is not a fan of Twilight. Moving on. Ruby meets the lead wolf which turns out to be another Mommy Dearest! How many Mommy Dearests do we need on this show?! She does do one good thing for Ruby. She teaches her how to control the wolf and remember what she does while being the wolf. Snow comes in later to ruin everything. Regina's guards kill Taylor wannabe and Mommie Dearest Wolf blames Snow. Snow you are such a trouble maker. Ruby has to make a choice to save Snow or let her mom kill her. Wow, hard choice. Ruby saves Snow because she doesn't want to be a killer even though she kills her mom by saving Snow. Ruby believes Snow to be her family.

    Next time scenes has some interesting moments. One in particular has Cora with what seems to be her own heart glowing. Gave me the idea of what if Cora has had someone else's heart ever since Regina was a little girl. What if someone crushed her heart and it was replaced with someone else's just like what happened with Daniel. Maybe or maybe not. Cora's story needs to be told one day. I know that for sure. Will we sympathize with her or not will be the question afterwards. FINALLY, Henry will have a chance to be a hero! Go Henry! BOOOO! Have to wait two weeks to see how it all turns out!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Tallahassee Review!

     This episode wasn't really one of the best episodes but it did have some very good parts all the same. We finally learn who New York Mystery man is...well  sort of, some chemistry between blondie and the hooked one, what's in the darn box AGAIN, what's up with those dreams, another possible Wizard of Oz reference, and will Emma ever learn to trust again? Can't say this episode didn't move the plot along because yes it did but it also dragged in places to me. I watched it twice to see if a second viewing would make me feel any different but no. Still had that same feeling. Oh, and one more thing. A   LOST character makes a big, BIG, entrance. Coming from a person who didn't watch LOST, I kinda liked him. :) On we go.


     It begins with the Hook and the four (Snow, Emma, Aurora, and Mulan) walking to the beanstalk. Hook tells Emma the story about Jack and the Beanstalk is not at all what she was told. He also goes into a story about how all these humans including Jack killed the giants for their beans or something. Saying that the giants were evil somewhere in that mess. Only two people can climb the beanstalk to get the compass that Cora needs as well as them to get to Storybrooke. The giants enchanted the beanstalk. Emma is the one that will go with Hook and she tells Mulan if she's not back within 10 hours to cut down the beanstalk even if Snow protests. Mulan gives Emma some poppy dust or something to knock out the giant. Another possible reference to the Wizard of Oz. Why don't we just go there people! Hook is untied by Snow. Hook is ever so the flirt. He calls the women "lovelies" once and later even mentions rum and how it's a "bloody waste of it". What are the writer's doing? He's a pirate we get it but he's not Jack Sparrow. All pirates now have to have the same personality I see. COME ON! Hook gives Emma an enchanted cuff (the one Cora was suppose to use) and these girls are still going along with this! Ugh! Hook and Emma chemistry begins! Last episode I wanted to see some Aurora action with Hook but now I can see something between him and Emma. Hook also mentions while they're climbing that he "likes a challenge." Well, he'll get one with Emma much more than Aurora. Trouble is Emma may already be taken. We'll we soon see a triangle in the future? The two reach the top and I must say this is the worst CGI I've seen on the show. Did not like how much they relied on  all the giant's place being special effects. I must be forgiving though because I'm sure it's hard to make things look so much bigger than you are. Can't forgive them for that beanstalk though and that was a prop. So even their props aren't so great.
      After the giant (played by LOST's Jorge Garcia) is knocked out they trample through his stuff. Poor guy. Only giant left and those blasted humans are writhing though his stuff like it's a flea market. The two chit chat for while, fall into each others arms (must admit slightly hot), and by the time they get somewhere the poppy dust has worn off, rocks fall on Hook, and Emma is in the palms of the giant. Blah, blah, blah. Emma tries to talk to the giant but he doesn't care. She resorts to biting him and soon she has captured him with one of his own traps. She's about to jab him with a dead Jack's sword (so this is suppose to tell us Neal Cassidy is not Jack, not convinced) when the giant tells her she's heard the story all wrong. The humans are the bad guys in the Jack and Beanstalk story. He's hated human's ever since because he's the last of the giants. The giant gives her the compass and Emma doesn't kill him. The giant gets free but doesn't hurt Emma. He lets her go. She asks for one more favor and lets Hook out of his rocky trap only to chain his arm to a rock. Hook acts hurt that she still can't trust him after all he's done. She leaves him there.

     Mulan is about to cut down the beanstalk with Snow protesting when Emma falls down the beanstalk. Hmmm. She tells the ladies Hook is going to be about 10 hours behind them. They leave and will Hook be really angry at Emma the next time we see him? I can't wait to see what we saw in the advertisements for this season. Will that truly be Hook grabbing a hook from Mr. Gold's shop? It never showed he face of course. Was that more than the reason to hide who would be playing him? Hmmm.


    We are following an eleven years younger Emma to a familiar yellow Bug. She breaks into it only to discover a man (Mystery NYC man) is in the back seat. They get stopped by a cop and she discovers she's stolen a car that was already stolen by mystery man. He says his name is Neal Cassidy and he's also a thief. They decide to go into the biz together and become a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Later, they both want to quit the biz and settle down. They choose Tallahassee, FL as the place to do just that. Only problem is Neal wants to steal some watches but got himself into some hot water in the process of going through with it. Emma agrees to get the watches from the place he left them. Sometime later, Neal is being chased by someone who turns out to be...August Booth! I'm sure everyone watching screamed August when they first saw him. Been awhile since we've seen him. I think he treats Emma pretty dirty here. He convinces Neal to leave Emma and let her get caught by showing him something in a box he has. Last year it held a typewriter. What was it this time? I'm guessing maybe...Rumpy's dagger?! Can't explain how Booth would have that then but if Neal is Bae that dagger would certainly sober him up to the truth. Emma of course is caught and thrown in prison for eleven months. August meets with Neal one more time and Neal gives him the keys to his yellow beetle and some money to give to Emma. Booth does give Emma the car but noooo money in sight! How cruel August. She could have used that money to take care of Henry because of course Emma finds out she's pregnant by the end of it all! That as probably August's plan too. To have Emma give up Henry. Ugh.


      We had another mystery introduced to us during this episode. Snow seems to be mothering Aurora a  lot more than her own independent daughter this season and so it's no surprise she'd be there for Aurora when she wakes up from a bad dream about red, doorless rooms with burning curtains, and someone in the corner. The strange part is that Henry has the same dream in Storybrooke! Now, there is one connection these two people have. Both have taken a sleeping potion. Snow has too and I wonder if she  had strange prophetic dreams after she was awaken by Charming? I'm sure these dreams have something to do with Cora or the Queen of Hearts. Maybe they're one of the same. Are Aurora and Henry looking at each other in their dreams? Is there a gap between Storybrooke and Fairy Tale world in the future where you can look into one another's world?

     Next time's scenes seems to be about Ruby and her "changes" in Storybrooke. I would love to see more interaction between Ruby and Mr. Gold. We haven't seen them interact that much. I'm sure there is a story there to be told. Until then tootles! Thanks for being patient as always. :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Once Upon A Time: The Doctor Review!

The never ending wait is finally over...for the remaining if any readers out there that like my blog. lol! Sorry for the delay. They seem to be getting longer and longer. I wanted this to be a treat for everyone on Halloween but my computer said no. :( Computer problems aside, I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Wow! Another interesting episode of Once Upon a Time for the Halloween season. We finally know who Dr. Whale is, a love from the past makes a heartbreaking appearance, it's hard to fool Emma, and if you want to be Rumpy's apprentice you better be game... for anything! Let's begin.


     Snow, Emma, Mulan, and Aurora find themselves in the middle of a village of the dead. Emma and Snow quickly notice this is not the work of ogres but of Cora. All the villagers have their hearts taken out. All except one they see. Hook has made his first appearance to the Dynamic Four. Of course he pretends he's just an innocent blacksmith but it's going to take more than that to fool Emma. They tie him up to a tree and Emma calls the ogres. Did you see Snow's face? She was like not again Emma! My daughter never learns. lol! Hook still proclaims he's just a blacksmith until they start to leave again. Only Aurora seems to be taken for a fool. Did anyone else feel a little chemistry between Hook and Aurora? I don't know why but I did. That could be a pretty good pairing. The spoiled princess and the cunning pirate. That could work. lol! Hook finally gives up and admits he's Killian Jones aka Hook. Emma still thinks it's a joke and won't be fooled. She thinks if they are careful they can beat Cora. Who still thinks they're gonna be fooled no matter what? Meee! Hook says they must go on a quest to find a compass (before Cora does who needs it to find a way to Storybrooke) at the top of a beanstalk. Did anyone else notice how Snow is being very protective of Aurora? She's been helping her over stuff and shielding her. Aurora should be soo embarrassed for trying to kill her.


     Regina is learning how to be a sorceress from who else Rumplestiltskin. Today's lesson: how to kill a unicorn. *tear* The little girl inside me who used to collect and dearly love this beautiful mythological creature is crying her little heart out right now. Rumpy wants Regina to take the creature's heart. It's good to know that she can't quite do this at first. More goading from the scaly one and she does take the heart but can't bring herself to do what Rumpy says next. Crush it. We learn that to take a heart from someone is to control that person and to crush it is to kill them. Regina "didn't sign up to kill unicorns" and Rumpy is very disappointed. If he hadn't already stolen my heart (see what I did there) I would be so upset and angry at Rumpy for doing such a mean thing to Regina. Well, I still am a little upset and angry. I think the writers like to steal our hearts and crush them too.

      Since Regina cannot do the same thing Mommie Dearest does Rumpy has no use for her. When she visits him later Rumpy is like you suck. Get out of my sight you weakling. He pays all his attention to the other visitor who came bearing gifts. The wrong gifts that is. Rumpy wanted some slippers but he has a crystal ball or something. Could that be ruby slippers? A cocky, sly version of Jefferson has made his presence known. Very different from the earlier fairy tale version of him. Kinda attractive I must say. He seems to have Regina in his control when he mentions to her that there is a man who might be able to raise her beloved Daniel from the grave. A wizard so to say. Could that be a wizard from Oz? He may be but right now he is known by another name, Dr. Frankenstein! Dr. Whale is Dr. Frankenstein. Finally the mystery is revealed! Basically Jefferson and Dr. Frank trick Regina into thinking Frank can raise the dead. Regina shows them Cora's hearts and Frank takes one, pretends to place it in Daniel, and claims it didn't work. Regina is so heartbroken she becomes Evil Queen Regina in one fell swoop of taking Rumpy's new apprentice's heart. Hello Queenie.

     Later in the woods, the trio of Rumps, Frank, Hats, meet to gloat over how well they played Regina! Grrr! How cruel! Now I think Regina keeping Belle captive last year evens the slate! Frank takes his heart and claims he knows something "more powerful than magic". Rumps begs to differ. Jefferson and Franks travel back to Frank's black and white world where he tries to bring back his brother. IT'S ALIVE!!!!


                                                Right in the kisser! Now that's a good talk! :D
   Charming is still teaching Henry how to be knight. He takes Henry to some horse stables where you guessed it. Charming gives Henry a horse. Of course before he can ride it he must take care of it but our Henry wants to ride it now. After what happens later I'll be surprised if he even wants to get 10 feet near a horse little long ride it!

     Regina wants to go cold turkey on magic so Henry can trust her again. A trip to shrink Cricket only results with Regina getting yelled at by Frank...I mean Whale who had burst in on their session. He wants Queenie to take him home. Since Queenie won't do that it's time for some sweet revenge. Cricket tells Regina she needs to put her past (this means Daniel whom she has frozen with magic and is keeping him preserved in her vault) behind her. Well, that's a little hard to do when her past returns from the dead. Later, she finds Daniel's body missing, Whale's arm missing, and Daniel choking Henry who just happens to be at the stables where Daniel's last living memory took him as well. One day, Henry will show how truly messed up he is by all this craziness! Mark my words!

      Yes, our David Bowie look alike Daniel is back and Charming who has come to rescue Henry along with Regina traps him in a stable. This scene where Regina is pleading with Charming to talk to Daniel is soo heartbreaking. Charming finally lets her in and Dan nearly chokes her until she says I love you. This triggers something. Daniel really appears for a moment. He's in pain and wants her to let him go. A touching moment between them and then Regina sadly turns him to dust. *tears* She has finally put her past in the past.

   The actor who played Daniel seriously needs to be the Goblin King in a part 2 of Labyrinth! I'd sooo watch! Anyone else agree? Daniel said for Regina to "love again." Who will Regina's new love be? Next times scenes is Jack and the Beanstalk time! Where's Jack though? Also, we dig deeper into Emma's past! Will this be the reveal episode of Henry's father and will he be the person so many fans seem to what him to be? Baelfire?! :0

Check out this podcast all about The Doctor! http://oncepodcast.com/once-upon-a-time-podcast-060-the-doctor-theories/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=once-upon-a-time-podcast-060-the-doctor-theories

Monday, October 22, 2012

Once Upon A Time: The Crocodile Review!

     What an awesome episode of Once Upon a Time. Anytime this show focuses on Rumpy it usually turns out to be a very, very good one. Last episode it didn't show Mr. Gold/Rumpy but this time it is Rumpy filled with not a whiff of Snow, Emma, or Regina. Well, not really. We do have a brief moment of a picture of Snow and Emma, Charming and Henry pop up throughout and a particular way of killing a person will most certainly bring us back to a certain moment or moments with Regina. Although that particular act was probably taught to Regina by the actual person who does the act in this episode. Okay, enough of that! Let's begin!


    The episode starts with Rumpy and Belle with a sickeningly sweet moment between the two which seems strangely written just for us Rumbelle fans. Sort of like "is this what you want fangirls?" lol! Something seemed off after Rumpy gives Belle the necklace and she's all "I'm so happy you're changing for the better" or something. Too cheesy and not the Once Upon a Time I know. Right then and there I was hoping one of them was dreaming. Actually I though it was Rumpy dreaming it. Leroy/Grumpy bursts in and wants his ax which should have put warning bells in people's minds then. Remember, the dwarfs already have their pick axes. They bought them from a store earlier and Grumpy didn't seem peed then. Well, the two argue over it until Rumpy grabs Grumpy when he asks Belle how could she love a person like that. Belle says to Rumpy you're not like this and suddenly Dark One Rumpy's head is on Mr. Gold's suited body telling Belle this is who he is and always will be! LOVE THAT PART!  I'm glad we still have old school Rumpy to look and listen to and the contrast between his two selves is even more pronounced when you get to see the two played so quickly from one to the other! You know Robert Carlyle was making movies long before Once here. He actually said in an interview once that not enough people were watching what he was making in the theater so he wanted to go back to the small screen. He said something like that which I find hard to believe. So this is movie star quality what we're watching. Right here in our living rooms! Hehe! Anyway, Belle wakes up and finds Gold working in his basement with his spinning wheel making straw into gold and making magic spells.

     She confronts him later about it and doesn't like what she hears. She thinks he is too afraid to be honest with her so she leaves. Rumpy comes to her room later and finds that she is gone. Of course he thinks she is missing and not just over at the diner talking to Ruby Red about finding a job. Of course Belle talks about her love for books with Red and I LOVE that they've kept that part about her here. Just like the Belle in the original Disney version! Remember when Beast gives Belle his library in the castle? Belle visits the shut down library and meets Smee who asks if she is meeting anyone. We all know this guy is Smee just because he wears a red tobogin. Smee kidnaps Belle and who else thought he was going to take her to Hook with a possible new ship and shipmates at the Storybrooke docks? lol! Nope, Smee is working for Mo, Belle's father. Same guy that just earlier Rumpy was asking if he'd seen Belle. No luck then but later...

     Gold asks Charming who is now sheriff for help in finding Belle. Speaking of Charming he was helping the  dwarfs find fairy dust in the mines earlier and Henry comes to talk to him . This is where we find out Charming hates mine dust and will be taking Emma's place as sheriff for now. Rumpy and Charming team up to find Belle and as they walk the town, Rumpy asks Charming to give him some "dating advice." Awww. How sweet. Of course Gold denies that's what he's doing but we all know better right? You have to speak from the heart Rumpy! Tell her about Bae for one! The two meet up with Ruby Red and she says she can help because she can smell her. So Red's heightened senses are coming back to her! That could be dangerous in the newly magic land. Could we be seeing an upcoming episode where Ruby wolfs out in Storybrooke? Hmmm. She tracks Belle down to Mo's Game of Thorns shop. They're too late to find Belle there because when Mo found out Belle loves Rumpy he forced her to go with Smee to cross the town border to forget about Rumpy and every one she loves! WOW! That's really harsh Mo! I was hoping her father would be a more caring, compassionate man but Rumpy did beat the crap out him earlier.
       Rumpy is about to beat the crap out of Mo again to find out where Smee took Belle because borders are being controlled above ground. Charming notices some mine dust on Mo's hand and we're off to the tunnels. Smee handcuffs Belle to a mine car and lets her have an Indiana Jones flash back ride to the border. Taco Bell will not be waiting if you race to this border so after a little helpless girl act from Belle Rumpy takes charge and brings her back just in time. Belle is saved but their love is not. Belle now wants nothing to do with either man. Mo or Rumple. Belle goes back to the diner, Ruby gives her a key from a "friend," and now Belle will be the owner of the Storybrooke Library. Who else thinks this library will be in some major use in future episodes? Rumple gave the library to her just like in the story. He admits to her he is a coward and talks to her about Bae. This is enough for Belle to ask to eat hamburgers with him. Ooookay. Back in Gold's basement we learn that when Smee was taken to Storybrooke with the curse, it did not take Hook. He was left behind.


     Rumple is just a poor weaver with his wife Milah and son Bae who appears to be around five or six  here. He comes home one evening to find Bae alone. He tracks down his wife at a local tavern with some pirates. One is a cutie with too much guyliner. She tells Rumpy she doesn't want to leave because she's jealous of all the other women who are widows of men who fought the ogre wars but she is stuck with a coward. When Bae makes his presence known though she leaves with them. At home Rumple wants to know if she really thinks of him as a coward. She just wishes he would have fought in the wars she says. Who else thought that Milah looked a little like Belle? Understandable why he fell for Belle now. Later Rumple hears that the pirates took Milah with them and so he goes to confront them. They have a scene where we see Rumple limping over to the pirate ship. This show loves to shove the fact that Rumple limps a lot. Non-magic Rumple limps and Mr. Gold limps but Dark One Rumplestiltskin does not. I'm right about this right? He must use magic when he's the Dark One so he doesn't have to limp. I'm wondering if we'll ever get the story about that limp. How long ago was it when he got that injury? Will we ever see a very young Rumple before the limp? Is that limp the original reason why Rumple became such a coward? Anyway, Guyliner cutie challenges Rumple to a duel but he's too frightened to fight. We also learn this Guyliner dude is named Killian Jones.

     Years later, after Rumple becomes the Dark One and Bae has left him using the magic bean that the Blue Fairy gave him we find Rumple meeting Smee in a pub who wants to have eternal life or something. Smee bargains with Rumple that he'll give him a magic bean he has if Rumple will give him
what he wants. First Rumple wants to see this bean. Suddenly, Killian Jones and his buddies come into the pub and Rumples sees his chance for revenge. Later outside Killian calls Rumples a crocodile. Very clever having Rumple be a crocodile especially for who this Killian turns outs to be by the end of the episode. Rumples makes it clear to Killian who he is and has a duel with him. Then he begins to take out his heart just like we've seen Regina and Cora do! They learned it from him of course! The appearance of Milah stops him. Milah knows about Smee and their bargain. She'll give Rumple the bean if he'll leave her and Killian alone. Milah fell in love with Killian and that is why she left Rumple.

       Later on Killian's ship Rumple seems to agree to their bargain but wants to know why Milah would leave Bae. Her answer that her passions took control of her isn't good enough for Rumple and when she says she never loved him he takes out her heart in front of a tied up Killian. He actually KILLED Bae's mother! Now that's really going to place him on the Best Father list with Bae when he finds him! If Bae ever finds out about this oh my gosh! Also, I feel sorry for Belle. What if a misunderstanding comes up in Storybrooke that makes Gold really angry at Belle! Would Gold do the same thing in an act of passion to Belle! I certainly hope not! This hurts. Rumples cuts off Killian's hand, the one he thinks has the magic bean. Killian stabs Rumpy with a hook. Of course it doesn't do anything to The Dark One. He disappears leaving the hook for Killian to use as a replacement for his hand. HOOK IS BORN! Smee now works for Hook who uses the magic bean to go to Neverland!


       Regina's curse effected Neverland too because now Hook is shown with Cora in whatever is left of the fairy tale lands. She shows Hook the little bit of dust from the wardrobe she has place in a vial. Hook exclaims that wow, she has a bottle of dirt. Who else was reminded of Captain Jack Sparrow and  his jar of dirt. Cora has jar of dirt. Cora has jar of dirt...and guess what's inside it!

     Next time scenes look really different from the norm. Maybe because it's teasing us that we'll finally find out who Mr. Whale is. Judging from the scenes it looks like Mr. Whale could be Dr. Jekyll or could it be Dr. Frankenstien?!! It does seem like he's trying to bring back a certain loved one from the dead! Guess we have to wait and see!

Go here for an awesome podcast about the episode The Crocodile!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Once Upon a Time Spoiler Filled Lady of the Lake Review!

     The new twist to this week's episode brings upon more possibilities within Storybrooke and Fairy Tale Land, enemies seem to spring up around Snow and Emma every which way they turn, brief moment with Regina just to show she's being fooled, and some tearful reunions and making up finally occurs and all of this without even a whiff of Rumpy! This episode was very good even though all the while I was wondering when my fav character would show. He may have had a break this week but it doesn't mean the great writing and other actors took one. Quite a good episode and I'm happy that it can be without Robert Carlyle's mug stealing every shot. I love the guy but if  heaven forbid something ever happened to him, I do believe the show could carry on if it really had too. That's a good point to make because unlike another show where I always thought it was slightly better when a black haired, moody person was on, this show could still stand on its feet unlike Harry Potter sadly. You have to admit HP fans, it was always better with Snape. True it could be said that Once is better with Rumpy but they do have other brilliant actors who can still hold it up. Let's begin.

     We start off in a little confusing situation. We're back in the Fairy Tale Land past with Red, Snow, and Charming. They are trying to take back the kingdom from King George when Red comes in talking about another king named Laviathan who is coming after Charming. Snow gets kidnapped by none other than Lancelot, the disgraced knight of the Round Table who is working for King George. King George tells his story about his wife being curse with a potion she drank so she could not have any children. He tricks Snow into drinking the same potion. Now Snow is unable to have children.

     Snow and Emma are meeting Cora in the present. The witch is back! Cora wants us to believe she isn't a threat anymore telling Emma that the "apple fell far from the tree." Things change though once a knocked out Snow wakes up and sees their fellow "prisoner." Snow, remembering what Regina said I'm sure about Cora killing Daniel warns her daughter to not trust her. Emma thinks she can take care of herself which we are reminded quite often during this episode. Emma does manage to mention her son Henry in Cora's presence which turns out to be a BIG no no but also an advantage later in the episode. Someone lowers a rope to Snow and Emma. It's time to meet the leader of the group that are holding them captive.

     Meanwhile, back in Storybrooke Henry wants to help Charming find Jefferson. Charming tells him he already met him and he's no help. Henry still wants to help find something that will help them find his mom and Snow. Charming just wants him to go to school! Yeah right. Charming doesn't know his grandson enough yet. Of course Henry skips school to do a little investigating of his own.

      Back in the Fairy Tale Land Present Snow and Emma meet the leader who turns out to be Lancelot! They hug. They seem to be good friends. While this is happening Aurora wants revenge and despite Mulan's warnings plans to kill Snow. Snow, Emma, and Lancelot talk about traveling the Enchanted forest to find a portal to get back to Storybrooke. Snow has a plan but doesn't want to tell Lancelot because Cora is around. So Lancelot says they can go on their quest but they must take Mulan along to guard them. Wasn't it fun watching Emma experiencing the food and drink of this world? lol! She sure has a rude awakening. I'm sure the Chimera doesn't taste like Turducken. lol!

      In Storybrooke, Henry finds Jefferson who is looking at a drawing that Grace made. She is asking if anyone has seen her father. So Grace is searching for him. Awwww. Henry has a little talk with Jefferson because he's afraid to go to Grace. You tell him Henry! Jefferson mentions Regina's vault and that sparks Henry's interest. Later, Henry sets up a meeting with Regina at the diner so he can really sneak into his house and steal Regina's keys to her vault. This is all we see of Regina in this episode. Guess this one is a Main Villains Lite episode. Anyway, Henry breaks into Regina's vault only to turn around and see his name on a casket. That's creepy. Of course we know it's Regina's father. Henry quite easily figures out how to push it aside and enter into the vault. First thing we see are her heart shelves. Who else heard heart beats in the music during this moment and who else wanted Henry to open one up and look inside? Hehe! Oh well, they are such a tease because he doesn't do that BUT of all the things Henry could open up down there it has to be the box of deadly vipers that killed his great great grandfather! Charming slams the lid down just in time. He explains when Henry didn't show up at the diner Regina went home and found her keys missing. She thought he would be down there but was afraid he wouldn't come with her. Yeah right! She actually LET Charming go down into her vault to get Henry. Just strange to me. Is this suppose to be another way of showing she wants to change? Speaking of Regina, during that brief moment of her we learn the town "wants her gone." Does that mean she's been fired by the town and she's no longer Mayor? Where's she going to go? Hmmm.

     Meanwhile, in FTL Present Aurora attacks Snow but Snow gets the upper hand and tells her she has to find another way to channel her anger. Emma shoots her gun which alerts the ogres to where they are.  Guess they're this week's CGI monster. Emma is saved by Snow who shoots an arrow into it's eye. Quick ending to the CGI creature of course. Have to save those bucks. Snow and Emma's journey is back to the family home to find the wardrobe that took Emma to Storybrooke. Maybe it can take them home too. Emma gives Aurora her jacket which makes Aurora quip "what kind of corset is this?" Very cute. When the group arrive at the damaged castle of the Royal Family they find Emma's nursery is in complete shambles as well. The wardrobe is still there though. Lancelot suddenly appears again and Snow wonders why. He slips when he mentions Henry's name. All this time in the present Lancelot has really been CORA! Nice twist there. She killed him sadly. Emma torches the wardrobe so Cora cannot get to Henry. Their way out is gone. After a brief fight Cora disappears and Snow and Emma have a brief emotional moment. Emma finally sees how much Snow has sacrificed for her. They bond. Awww.
When they leave Cora returns and takes some of the ashes from the wardrobe so Cora still plans to get to Storybrooke. I'm wondering if all that stuff about Regina leaving her house is to make room for Cora taking up residence there if and when she finds her way to Storybrooke. Hmmm.

     Back in the Fairy Tale Past Lancelot and Snow team up to help Charming fight off King George's men from killing Chrarming's mother but Snow and Lance arrive too late. Charming's mom has been hit by an arrow and they must find a cure for her before she dies. Right here I kept saying for them to find Rumplestiltskin! COME ON! lol! Of course that would be their last resort because Rumpy is evil and they'd have to deal with him first but still. lol! Charming remembers the siren he killed who lived in a lake with magical powers so they make the trip to the lake only to find it barren. Lance does find a little bit of water in a shell. Mama Charming doesn't want to drink it because she wants Snow to so she can have children with Charming. She has a necklace that predicts what will Snow have a boy or a girl. At the moment it doesn't sway either way. Mama Charming tricks Snow into drinking the potion while she watches them get married and dies.

      Jefferson is finally reunited with his little girl Grace in an emotional, sweet moment. Henry looks on until Charming comes by the car with some wooden swords. Henry is delighted! He wants to learn to sword fight with his grandpa. I do believe Henry was cheated out of seeing Fairy Tale Land too by the way. I wanted Emma and Henry to go there but guess we have to settle for Snow and Emma instead...until Cora appears and pulls Henry back to Fairy Tale Land! Buwahaha! The show ends with someone else watching Charming and Henry! King George! Uh oh!

     Next time scenes bring in ANOTHER hottie into the mix! Captain Hook finally makes his appearence and something tells me this one is going to be flooding over with Rumpy goodness...and badness! From what I've read it seems that Belle will be kidnapped by Smee and the pirates just like Rumpy's first wife Milah was taken in the past by Hook! Also, I've read another fan of this show's comments that mentioned what if Hook ends up being Eric Hook, the little mermaid's prince! That would be a major twist now wouldn't it! Tootles for now! :D

Promotional photos for "The Crocodile"! SPOILERS!

The US and Canadian Promo for "The Crocodile" The Canandian one is different and reveals a little more.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Once Upon a Time: Spoiler Filled We Are Both Review!

     Leaving Storybrooke screws with your head, Charming has a nice little speech, Queenie's  mommy issues bodes well for Henry, someone comes back from the past, and Rumpy has to keep learning the same lesson he squawks to everyone else, magic always comes with a price! Season 2 is turning out to be pretty awesome too! Let's begin!


     We begin at the Leaving Storybrooke sign which I'm sure has it's own agent by now. Grumpy and the  dwarfs are at the edge of town where Grumpy has spray painted the borderline. He's good because he sprayed that line right where you shouldn't cross and it didn't effect him at all. Not so good for Sneezy though who draws the shortest straw. Poor Sneezy. Why is he the one they pick on? Some friends,  they just push him over! If he would've died Sneezy's blood would be on their hands for the rest of their lives!

     Meanwhile, the town is having problems recovering from the curse being broken, having to deal with two different selves, the aftereffects of the wraith from last episode, and an annoying Mr. Whale. He asked the most strangest question to Charming about if the nun's can date! What is it with this guy? He seems quite girl crazy. Should that be a clue to who he is? Hope he's not Jack the Ripper or Jekyll and Hyde. That would be just too creepy! Grumpy and his crew come back from the border with Sneezy who now only believes he's his cursed self. So they can't leave Storybrooke in Season 2 either or they completely forget who they are again! You gotta love magic!

     Along with the troubles of the town, Charming finds out more about the hat that took Emma and Snow away from him to the Enchanted Forrest. With Henry's help he discovers that the hat belongs to Mad Hatter/Jefferson. So off to the pawn shop and a trip to Rumpy to ask for a potion that will help him find Jefferson. With an agreement to stay out of each other's way, Rumpy obliges and gives him one. This leads him straight to Jefferson who is in need of help from an overturn car. Was this an indirect way for Rumpy to help out the Mad Hatter and thank him for giving Belle back to him? Naaa, Rumpy's not that smart is he? Also, as Charming left he tells Rumpy something that seems to surprise him. He still can't leave Storybrooke or he'll lose his memory. Wow! Something Rumpy doesn't know about his own thing of bringing magic to Storybrooke! The price seems to be too high for Rumpy this time because it sure looks like he wanted so much to search for Bae but now he's stuck again. That's what you get when you mess with magic Rumpy! You should listen to Belle more than you ever do!  Also, that little agreement with Charming to stay out of each other's way will surely be broken really soon! lol! Charming asks Jefferson about the hat but doesn't get much out of him before he runs off and Ruby stops Charming to let him know that Regina has Henry.

     Speaking of Regina, her mommy issues come to the front of the table today and how that leads to her meeting Rumpy for the first time. We are now back in the Fairy Tale Land Past again and we see how Regina is still captive by her mother and her magic. We also see that even though Regina has a little secret loathing of Snow she hasn't acted on it and seems to consider herself still a good little woman. Doesn't stop the writers from giving us a little insight into Regina's wishes of what she would love to do to Snow. We get to see little Snow again so Bailey is back for a moment to give us a shocking scene of Regina choking her! Bet those two loved acting out that moment together! lol! Of course it's only a dream. Cora's control of her daughter with magic has finally driven Regina to ask Rumpy for help when she discovers her mother's magic book is the key to her powers. Rumpy says he remembers her as a baby. Of course he does. I'm sure Cora is the original girl who had to spin straw into gold and had to ask Rumpy for help. Regina was probably that first born child he was suppose to get before Cora found out his name. Maybe there is more to that story though in this series. Would love to find out. With how many times Rumpy was saying he's surprised she's related to Cora makes me wonder if Regina was given to Cora instead. Hmmm. Anyway, Rumpy gives her a magic mirror and with a little egging on from Rumpy Regina manages to push her mother into the mirror. The mirror breaks and now Cora is in Wonderland right? I still think she is the Queen of Hearts. Doesn't matter what happens at the end of this episode.

     Back in Storybrooke, Regina goes to Rumpy and asks for her mother's book so she can have full control of her powers. Rumpy pulls the book out the air. So he has his powers back it seems of course. As she leaves Rumpy says she now resembles Cora. Not what Regina wants to hear. She uses the book and now Queenie is completely back! To show that fact we get to see all her apples grow ripe and dangerously delicious again. What does she do first? Goes after Henry of course. She shows off to the town folk and takes Henry home. Henry tries to leave but she grabs him with the tree limbs just like her mother used to do to her when she tried to leave Cora. Henry tells her he doesn't want to be her and this reminds her of herself with Cora as well. Later, she is downstairs looking at the magic book when Charming busts in with sword in hand demanding Henry. She says he won't need his sword. Henry can go with Charming because Regina doesn't want to hold Henry there with magic because that's too much like Cora and Queenie doesn't want to be Cora. She actually says she wants to be redeemed but later she is shown keeping the magic book and not burning it. So the magic has a hold on her just as much as it does Rumpy.

    The whole town figures it's better just to have one person floating around in their head than two and decide to leave Storybrooke. Charming stops them just in time with a speech about how both of the people inside them all ARE them. One is their weak side and one is their good side! So Charming is admitting that David is weak! lol! He was such a dolt last season wasn't he? Finally, the town becomes a town again. The dwarfs go to mine in those tunnels from last season I guess thinking somehow they'll make fairy dust. Ooookay. Henry tells Gepetto that August is Pinnochio. So off to his apartment where it seems August is gone. The last we see of Charming and Henry they're vowing to find Snow and Emma because Queenie confessed that the Enchanted Forrest still exists. They drink their soda at the same time. How cute!

    Almost as a small teaser tag along we get a little of Snow and Emma in the other world being captives of Mulan and Aurora. They try to escape once and are thrown into a pit with shock of all shocks CORA!!! Mommy's home and will she be meeting up with Regina in the future? Will she be the big bad soon? Oh the possibilities! The End...for now! :D

     Next time we have sword practice, Lancelot, and ogres oh my!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Warehouse 13: We All Fall Down Review!


  Wow! Great ending to the mid season of Warehouse 13. Some little bits here and there that bothered me and it really didn't have some of the same punch as the episode before it but it sure did deliver in what it was suggesting all season. Sad to see such a prominent figure of the show taking a turn for the worse. A little confusion at the ending and do we always have to end with a possible end of the world scenario?! Oh well, great series as a whole and sooo do not want to wait until 2013 to see what happens next but I guess we all have to.

     The dynamic duo finally make there way into the warehouse after their adventures with their family members from last episode. Pete has another strong vibe that something isn't right. Myka sees there's a problem in the Dark Vault and the Bronzing Section. Pete goes to the Dark Vault while Myka takes the Bronzing Section. We all know that Myka will be having a worse revelation than Pete who finds the Dark Vault in complete shambles. Careful Pete of that baby doll. So creepy! Myka calls him to come immediately to the Bronzing Section. She has found Leena who is dead. Tears and disbelief at the fact that Artie has shot Leena. Mrs. Fredrick is distraught about something she promised Leena. I wonder what that was about. We don't learn anymore about that info because Claudia arrives and wonders what is going on. Later we see an upset Claudia who can't believe that the group is giving up on Artie. She can't believe that this is really Artie. He must be wammyed like the rest of them at one point. Pete sees Lena's ghost and wonders what that is about. Poor Pete and his crying almost made me cry.
     Pete's visions of Leena proves to the a great help. She leads him to a drawer with hidden info about the dagger that Artie has been dreaming about all series. Later Brother Adrian reads from a book that says using the astrolabe will cause an evil side of the user to take control of their good side. So now we must save Artie from his dark self. The middle of the episode was fast (with all the talking and such) but a little slow and kind of drifted until we find out about another artifact that Artie is going after. He wants the dagger that he has been dreaming of Claudia using to kill him so he can use it to break open a dangerous flower that causes a sweating sickness. He wants to use this flower as blackmail so the group will give him the astrolabe. It hurts to see the group having to treat Artie like another villain to capture.
      Pete and Myka go to find the dagger while Claudia and Jinks journey to find the flower. Claudia has learned that Artie was afraid of her stabbing him and she wants to be as far away from the dagger as possible. The duo find the knife but just as Artie arrives in the same place! They try to talk to him but THE EVIL has control of him . He hurts Pete by hitting a soft spot (his drinking problem, acting like a kid, and death of his father). Then he throws a noose up on a rafter and everyone in the room is suddenly hanging by imaginary ropes! He uses another artifact to get rid of the glass from the display case that is holding the knife. Now Artie has the dagger so off to the flower. He leaves the duo the rest of the crowd hanging.
       Claudia and Jinks search the former Warehouse 8 for the flower but it is empty with only one clue. A bridge symbol. They put it together that the flower was taken to another place for safety during WW2. Artie has beaten them to the location. He seems to hypnotize one of the family members who are guarding the flower and uses the other two who tag along. He has told them the others who are after him  are not to be trusted. When the gang get there at the mill where the flower is hidden, Claudia tries to reach out to Artie who for just a brief moment can be seen within THE EVIL's eyes. Artie then signals to the family guardians to use the tiny cymbal artifact we've seen McPherson use in the past. This stops the gang long enough for Artie and his group to enter the mill.
      One of the three family guardians gets tesla-ed and now there are two more. Jinks and Claudia have a big fight with the last two. This gives Claudia some time to joke about the woman she's fighting. Funny. Later Pete finds Artie and fights him while Myka helps Jinks put down his man. Jinks and Myka find the dangerous plague flower hidden behind a wall which opens sort of like how the library of the Brothers of the Black Diamond opened. Speaking of the Brothers of the Black Diamond, who is still wary of Brother Adrian? Even though he is helping the good side he is still not a very pleasant man. I hate saying that because I LOVE Data and will forever. lol!
       Anyway, Jinks takes the flower out of its hiding place and suggests that they keep it there. Yes, Jinks! Keep it hidden! They should have never took it out! Oh well, they do and Artie appears just in time with a gun to Pete's head demanding the flower or he will kill Pete. He also wants the dagger which Myka still has. In a climatic moment Myka throws the dagger into the grinder! That's when the commercials came on where I'm at! Wow! What a tease! Imagine if this was where they ended the mid season finale?! So many angry fans I'd be hearing out there I'm sure. Well, we have five minutes of goodness left and amazingly Artie doesn't kill Pete. He just uses the stopping time watch and takes what he wants from Jinks and walks down to the grinder and reaches for the dagger just as time begins to start again. Now Artie has BOTH artifacts and does exactly what everyone thought he'd do while Claudia has appeared to watch. This makes him drop the dagger. Claudia picks it up believing the dagger will cast THE EVIL out of Artie. She runs to him and stabs him just like in his dreams. This is such a sad moment. We get to hear Claudia saying she's so sorry and I believe the real Artie saying it's okay while Claudia hugs her Pooh bear. Why don't you break our hearts writers?! To make matters worse this has caused Artie to drop the flower. Pete tries to catch it before it hits the ground but it hits his hand and spreads the sickness into everyone. Even Artie who may or may not be dying at that moment. We won't be able to know that till 2013! Ugh. The plague moves out of the mill and apparently all over the world!
     Wow, another end of the world thing happening! Too many have been done and will we be back next season having yet ANOTHER?! Come on! Sometimes the end of one person's world is good enough. Also, great job writers and SyFy for fooling us with last week's next time scenes. I mentioned in my last review that it looked like something was coming out of Artie. I thought maybe that was THE EVIL coming out of him but nooo it's a sickness going INTO him! My bad! lol! I still love this series and if I'm still here a-ticking by April of next year I will tune in to see the ending to this amazing season of Warehouse 13 in 2013! BRING IT ON!!! :D