Sunday, July 8, 2012

Moonlighting Overview: Last Three Episodes

The video above has nothing to do with the last three episodes of this series. I'd like to go out on a much happier note about Moonlighting UNLIKE the writers of this nostalgic, atmospheric, unique, romantic/comedy. Wow! What a ride is has been! I finished watching the whole series a few days ago and I already miss it. This is a re-watching I might add. Grew up with it but only remembered a few episodes. Hmmm. This will not be an enjoyable experience talking about the last three episodes but I will try to quickly get through them so I can end with something less depressing. :( Oh well. Let's get started. We begin with David throwing googly eyes at someone who looks remarkably like Demi Moore. Wait, of course that's Demi Moore! No way was this a vehicle to show off Bruce's real life wife at the time. Oh that wouldn't happen. Hmmm. This may have been a nice little bit for the couple but COME ON!! Can you hear all the David and Maddie fans out there screaming in agony?! The two board an elevator right beside each other. Then who should stand right between them?! The death knell of one of the most popular couples in tv history. Maddie's cousin Annie has made her presence known for the first and I wish last time on this series. The result of this is a David Addison we've never seen before. Really, because I think Annie totally screwed him up in more ways than one! That could also be the writers! Ugh. I rooted for David all through this show and now he seems like the bad guy. Here's why. David falls for Annie which is strange in and of itself being that SHE'S MADDIE'S COUSIN! If you don't want to blame the writers then I guess you could say that David took a page out of the Maddie Hayes book. Where David taught Maddie how to be more spontaneous (with disaterous results I might add; to see what I mean check out my Tracks of My Tears episode review over at Maddie must have taught David how to be more vindictive! Once David begins dating Annie he bites Maddie's head off on more than one occasion! He KNOWS what he is doing is hurting Maddie! So maybe he isn't totally over Maddie just yet? I don't know! Ugh! Later, David goes out of his way to interupt a dinner the two girls are having to make sure Maddie isn't saying crap about him. In the next episode about this bloody stink bomb of a triangle Maddie's life is in danger and David makes sure Maddie is safe but goes back home to his Annie afterwards. The show seemed to go to great lengths to have Maddie be alone while David and Annie were having such a great time together! If this was a way to bring back all those viewers they had earlier in the series' past well it failed miserably. The very last episode doesn't really help. We are subject to Bert and Agnes' wedding and David finally giving up his love affair with Anne who just happens to be MARRIED! Another thing you'd think David wouldn't involve himself in! Oh, well it would have helped if Annie had told him that fact from the start but she happened to leave out that part until they were in bed. LOL! GRRR! The series ends with David and Maddie on the steps of a church wondering where it all went wrong. A montage of their better rated days is shown and that's it for something that started out so wonderful and beautiful!

There was an episode about Bert and Agnes just before the series finale which featured Bert and his family waiting to meet Agnes for the first time. Agnes is called for jury duty and sadly misses the family party. She does meet Bert's father and grandmother which were the two most important people for her to meet for Bert. It was a sweet episode and shows the total opposite of what Maddie and David's relationship always was. That is what made Moonlighting sadder than a sack of sadness. Here was Bert and Agnes having all their dreams come true together and then David and Maddie with a road block every time you turn around. Okay, must stop that! I promised I'd go out on a high note right? Moonlighting was fantastic during it's 1-3 seasons and it stills beats some of the best shows on today! Don't let my boo boos about the ending discourage you from watching! Please! You would be missing out on some the best comedy, music, and yes 4th wall breakage to ever grace our screens. More important than that is you would miss the romance with all it's sparks, confusion, and frustrations. You WILL feel the pain and the laughs. Come experience the sweet love of David and Maddie, the fun music, and the comedy that was/is Moonlighting! )

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