Monday, July 30, 2012

Warehouse 13: An Evil Within Review

Okay, I'm getting a little scared. We've got talk of putting things back like it was, some awkward tongue-in-cheekness, and some way too obvious obviousness! Wait a minute, this is Warehouse 13 I'm talking about. We should be used to that  by now I hear a voice say. Ugh. I'm down with that but there is a fine line they're walking on. So much to talk about I hear you say. Well, yes and here we go!
  • The show begins with a couple of Star Trek fan boys debating which alien is stronger, the Vulcans or Klingons while walking into a diner. We are briefly shown another man walk after them and right by them and out the back door. He chains the back door after himself. Next we know there's a strange octopus creature attacking the patrons. All of them are first. Then some of them have the courage enough to start beating the living crude out of this thing. The police late of course. We are shown the creature is gone and one of the fan boys is on the floor sorely beaten! Uh oh! Of course it's Artifact Time! 

  • Artie (I love Artie) is somewhere I don't think we've ever seen in the show before. Claudia's bedroom! Artie picks up a seriously ironic photograph of him and Claudia playfully trying to choke each other. You know, I'd like to pick up and look at some things in this bedroom too. Claudia is such an interesting character it would be nice to be able to ramble around in her bedroom just to find out a little more about her. Well, of course until you are caught by an incredibly peed off Claudia and then the fun would stop there. Well, maybe. Judging in how she displays her anger at you. You could be crying but you could be laughing or at least someone else could be laughing. Anyway, Artie is still worried that the vanished Claudia is the "evil" that Brent Spiner mentioned in the last episode. Seriously, I need to remember his name on here. lol! Artie has more flashes of Claudia stabbing him with a sword. Leena jerks him out of it. 
The dynamic duo of Pete and Myka are ready to help Artie find Claudia but Artie says they've got a ping and they should go to find out why a guy  was beaten up in a restaurant and who's behind it.. Don't worry about Claudia. Mr.Arthur Nelson is right on it! Well, he will be after Brent Spiner has a word with him. Shock, fear! Artie what are you going to do now?! This guy is standing right outside the bed and breakfast window looking in on him. Is it just me or does Data creep you out on this show? Of course Artie invites him in and he claims he's form the Vatican, of course we/Artie already knows that and he is here to find the Astrolabe which we/Artie already know about too of course. Artie is inches away from putting his foot in his mouth every time he talks to this guy which I think is cute because that's Artie for ya and also alarming because he's not suppose to let anyone know what he's done. How did Spiner know to come here in the first place though? Everything about him screams do not trust to him!  I smell a rat or an android. Possibly named Lore maybe? Which is hard because I know and love him so much as Data who we all love to trust! lol! He tells Artie that he needs to find whoever has stolen the astrolabe and he needs to get that person to make things right again or this evil he keeps talking about will cause way too many problems. Like what happened the last time the astrolabe was used: the French Revolution. Okay, now this is starting to frighten me because if the astrolabe is used again to turn everything back to how it used to be then everything that happens in this timeline will not matter! UGH! I mentioned in my review last week about how I hate story lines like this because it feels like a waste of time for the viewer. It's like when Dallas had a whole season be a dream. Well, I was too young to remember that but I'm sure you get my point. People complained...a lot. What's the point in watching a series if it all gets taken away like it never happen. No one learns anything, no one grows to be a better person or a worse person. No character development is what I'm trying to say. We are right backt at the beginning. I have a feeling by what Artie asks Spiner later in the show that if and when they use this thing again everything will go back the way it was except the gang will figure out how to stop the astrolabe before Pete is killed. Which also sounds a little selfish to me. Does it to you? Ugh. 

Anyway, back to the recent case. Pete and Myka are getting nowhere on why this fan boy was hurt and still nowhere when a guy is thrown out the window of a high rise dentist office by his patients. New thing we find out though is that Myka cannot stand octopus. Ooookay. Speaking of Myka, where is HG Wells in this episode. There is no mention of her and she isn't even shown at the warehouse. Moving on. Claudia is found breaking past some security and I wasn't really paying attention to exactly what she was trying to get to. Was it the metrodom or whatever it's called. Anyway, she's acting all cool and mysteries and the best part happens when Artie stops her from tesla-ing a dude. We have this awesome convo between the two about if it is selfish for her to bring back Jinks. Claudia even asks the BIG QUESTION for this year of Artie. Would you use an artifact to undo a horrible wrong? Artie has no answer he just backs up and says he's not going to let her go down that road. Well, maybe not Artie but Mrs. Pete's Mom has no qualms about it! Wow! A big wig herself is going to let Claudia bring Jinks back. This is a strange but a cool turn of events. Artie is peed of course and runs out. Must admit this story line was much more fascinating than Pete and Myka's story this time around. Theirs is good just not as good. 

Peta and Myka start to get somewhere when a woman is found hiding in her closet from I believe is her husband. Can't really remember. The duo learn someone gave her a strange key and took it back before she went into the house. Shock of shocks! Myka has never read H. P. Lovecraft but thankfully the others have and we now have a reason behind all these attacks. The key makes other people see the one who touches the key as Lovecraft monsters. Creepy, well sort of . This is somehow connected to the guy who's been doing this to everyone and his fiancee going to a ball game. His fiancee was trampled to death and no one would help her so he's getting his revenge on them.. Here is where I was like really?! We are shown all of this on a camera and the duo point out the victims. Who else figured it out before our duo did? So obvious but that's not enough. We have to be told about what we've seen. I know some of us out here are not the brightest artifact in the warehouse but most of us aren't the dullest either. Sometimes, these little bits bite on my ankle. Grrr. 

Claudia brings back Jinks with the help of Mrs. Pete's Mom and everything seems to go well after a short snafu where Claudia almost DIES!. Artie is shown asking if the evil could be someone who's resurrected so we'll be all suspicious of Jinks now as well. Jinks is none too happy when he finds out he's just like that other dude who had to depend on a tick-toc thing for the rest of his life. This reminds me of Doctor Who's The Master. "I hear the knocking!" I hear the ticking! Claudia is still a little full of herself with pride that she has Jinks back. We find out Mrs. Pete's Mom Janeway is in some major trouble with the other Regents because as Claudia put it she went rouge. Didn't ask for permission. Now Claudia's not so happy when she's told that Jinks will forever have to be a part of the Warehouse and if the down side of the artifact is found to be compromising then I guess Claudia will have to lose Jinks all over again! You should have listened to Artie! 

Back at the bed and breakfast everyone is happy to have Jinks back and crowds around the dinner table. Claudia asks Artie if he's mad at her. Of course not. Pete calls for Artie who's ping machine Claudia made for him makes a ping again. This time it's THE SWORD! The one he sees Claudia using in his flashes to kill him! Uh oh! A way to bring us back here next week! Pete is concerned. The End! 

Next times scenes look good but will it be filler?

Oh, and one more thing. What's up with Myka's hair?! :o
  •  Oh, and another thing. Maybe Artie is learning something from this time travel stuff and Claudia through Artie. I don't know. Maybe I'll have to retract my words by the end of this season. I'll be more than happy to if that turns out to be true!  Tootles...for real this time! :)


  1. I have been watching Warehouse 13 since season 1 and even the filler episodes are fantastic. I always recommend it to my coworkers at Dish and they always come back excited. I wasn’t able to watch last night’s episode live, but this morning I watched it on Dish Online for free and it was amazing. I loved seeing Steve pop back up from the dead, especially when I thought there was no chance we’d see him again.

    1. Yes, I've been watching since the first season too and I agree filler doesn't have to mean bad. Sometimes a show's filler episodes end up being some of their best work. That was an interesting twist to being Steve back so early in the game. Good surprise though. Thanks for replying. :)

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