Sunday, May 13, 2012

OUAT's Season Finale A Land Without Magic Review Part 1

WOW! WOW! Can you say EPIC?!!! I'm still in shock about everything that happened. Actually sooo much happened I'm sure I'll miss something. Especially this soon after the show finished! Anyway, can't help it. Here I go!

The series begins with Charming trying to break out of the Queen's prison cell.Not doing a good job at it either. "I'll find you" line again. Thankfully, he doesn't have too long to wait. Her guards come armed with their own quips. "Can't find her without your head" or something. Ha ha. Charming acts all feeble and weak as the guards escort him to his execution.  Then he turns into He-Man. Charming never tires even after being almost beheaded by his own stepfather, switched to Regina's castle, and in a cage for a while now and I'm sure Regina's food is much to be desired. Who would eat from her anyway (except Snow and Henry of course) and who's to say she would feed him? This is Charming we're talking about. He's the smart one! Don't we all love this guy? He dispatches the guards then two more arrive. Queenie's got a never ending bunch of guardsmen. Who can blame her. You need an army to protect a woman who has magic, who can defend herself and keep an eye on her prisoners with her magic mirror. Never mind that. One of the guards has a bow. The other says shoot him! One guard shoots the other! Well, isn't this a great turn of events. Even Regina's guards turn on each other! NOT It's...wait for it...pulls helmet off...GRAHAM!!! Yay! The Huntsman's back to help our intrepid hero! Of course he pays for it when he meets the evil queen later but what the hay. All those Graham fans have to be satisfied right?

Meanwhile, back in Storybrooke poor little Henry is being pushed into the hospital by Emma and the mean. supposedly clueless Dr. Whale! Ugh. What is this guy's point except to be annoying?! The character he played in Heroes was also annoying. Give this guy a better role people! Sorry, that's just my opinion. Guess he's good at being bad...I guess. Emma tries to convince Dr. Sea Creature that Regina's no Martha Stewart when it comes to apple turnovers...although. When you think about it. Maybe we shouldn't dwell on that too long. Dr. Ahab's Obsession refuses to believe the turnover is poisoned because he's working for Regina which no doubt everyone's figured out a long time ago. The doctor does have amazing lines in this one I have to admit because it leads Emma into picking up the storybook and WHAM! BAM! The storybook was like take that for not believing in me! Sort of like the viewing audience! Didn't we all want to smack her around a little to get her to finally believe? Well, she's not the only one who gets slapped around. Regina's has some coming to her as well. We get a short but epic cat fight when Regina arrives. Yeah, Emma slam that witch into that medical shelf! Regina's like what did I do? I just want to see my son! Emma tells her the turnover she made for her Henry ate instead. Boy Regina sure can act like she cares for Henry. I wish it were true but if it were true wouldn't her love be important too? Hmm. I can see an interesting debate here! Sorry guys but I have to stop. Have to take a break and eat something. Unlike our Charming I need to be replenished! I'll get back with the next part soon. Thanks for reading and check back here! Tootles! :)

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