Sunday, May 13, 2012

OUAT: A Land Without Magic Review PART 3

Meanwhile, back in the hospital. Snow has been reading the end of her tale to little Henry when he starts to go into cardiac arrest or something. Snow panics. Will Emma make it back in time? Then we get matching scenes of Emma and her father Charming fighting the same dragon in their own respecting time lines! Major battles! Yay! Or at least as major as you can get on a tv series' budget. Still rocks though! Charming manages to push the egg into one of the dragon's ears while Emma first drops the sword (big mistake Emma) and tries to shoot the thing. Of course she'd try to do that coming from her practical world. Later, she grabs the sword and throws it right into the dragon's heart I presume! The wicked witch it dead! I think. With this show you never know! Yay! Big explosion of...ashes? The Egg! Emma wins Maleficent is down! Across town Mary Margaret and David have a talk. He says he's leaving town unless there is a reason for him to stay. Mary basically says leave. Awww. Sad.

FTL: Charming has succeeded! Yay! Looks like Rumples is his smug little self again. Rumples gladly gives the charmed ring to Charming and tells him to go find his lady. He's about to leave when Rumples stops him. Something is missing. A little wave from oily, scaly, Mic Jagger/David Bowie wannabe and our Prince Charming looks exactly like he did in the very first episode of the series. He's on his way to kiss his girl! A little repeat of the pilot. I don't like when they do that. I think it wastes time. If you're here watching the finale you should have already seen the rest of the season.If you haven't then that's your problem. I know that's how you get more ratings but it still sucks! No complaints out of you if you don't understand something. Not one word! Poo on you! Later Snow and Charming plan to storm George's or is it Regina's castle? Whichever. Time for good to reign! Yay!

Storybrooke: Time for Emma to make her way out of this dragon's den! Elevator goes up! Uh oh. Not enough. Stops just before she gets to the top. Emma yells up to the opening. Nothing. Then...Rumples! I mean Gold...wait Rumples! He says Regina fooled her. Emma starts to climb out. Gold's like give me that egg. You're crazy to climb out of there with it. In other words I WANT THAT EGG! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!! Did I mention the egg looks golden. Golden Goose in the future? She throws the egg to Gold and like those old Looney Tunes cartoons VAMOOSE! He's outta there and Regina is tied up. Shr says he tricked Emma. Now they have no egg and no way to save Henry! Must say I was a little hurt there even though I was thinking maybe Emma doesn't need the egg. I thought noooo! Don't do this Gold! He wouldn't hurt a child! Was he reverting back to his old ways? Hmm. That's a question for a little while later. Thank you actors, directors, and writers for giving us pause. You sneaky people! I love you! Emma and Regina get back to the hospital in time to see that they're not in time. It looks like Henry has died! NOOO! Poor baby, even though you did this to yourself. We love you Henry all the same!

While this is going on. Someone has dressed up as an orderly and just strolled into the psych ward where the Nurse Hatchett woman is holding Belle. Hey, if anyone could have done that...Well, he drugs the lady and oh my! It's the Mad Hatter. Regina going back on her deal a second time was the last straw for Pretty Boy Jefferson! He passes Mop Man and shushes him. There's a door with S. Glass on it! Ha ha! Poor love stuck Sidney! Opens another door and OH YEAH! Hello Belle! Jefferson gonna make that witch pay! He tells Belle to find Gold and to say you've been locked up by Regina. By then I was waiting for two things to happen. When Gold first sees Belle and an EPIC showdown between Regina and Rumples! Yeah baby! We do get one in this episode but sadly not the other. How long will they make us wait on that? All summer at least! :( Later, Belle goes to Gold's pawn shop, Gold turns around and he's like "What the crap?! You're alive! You're really here!" YES!!! What I've been waiting for! Awesome! Lovey dovey, hugs. She says she doesn't know him but he says you will. That Gold! Always a step ahead of the game because...

Emma is now balling her eyes out, bends over Henry, says I love you, kisses him and INSERT LITTLE MERMAID HAPPY ENDING MUSIC HERE! Not really, the music for this show rocks all its own! The curse is BROKEN!!! Everyone remembers! Charming who is about to drive out of town remembers, goes back and reunites with Snow! Yay! Emma is shocked and Henry is happy. He says he thinks she broke the curse! Meanwhile Rumples and Belle are on a hill near the water well. Belle remembers and they share their "I love yous!" Wow! He said it! Sadly it seems that Rumples hasn't learned his lesson though. He pours the love potion inside the well and it starts that pretty purple smoke again! Why can't he leave well enough alone? He tells Belle magic is powerful so he STILL wants his powers. I think he's thinking about Bae. At least I hope so. Everyone in town is shocked and scared as the purple fog engulfs them. All except Regina who has been crying at home like a spoiled baby until she looks outside her window. She smiles then. She must think she's getting her magic back! Who's to say where they're going will be magical? I know Gold said magic is power but who's to say we're going to magic land. Maybe he'll be the only one with magic wherever they go? Who's to say that it's just a reset button? It better not be! Maybe it really could bring them all back home! It would be interesting to see Emma adjust to Fairy Tale Land! lol! Will Pinocchio be alive? Sooo many questions! Such a long time to wait and find out! Would love to hear you thoughts and theories! Thank you so much for reading my review! This was the longest review I've ever done. lol! So happy it's finished. Until next season: "True love's kiss will break any curse!"

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