Okay, peeps. I'm going to write a review here for the finale of ABC's Once Upon a Time. SPOILERS for anyone who has not seen this show or these last episodes. You have been warned...
I have a blog called Dobby's Dungeon (where I used to write these reviews) and recently it has been rather dormant because of the freezing problems I've been having on that site. I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for these reviews. Maybe this will sorta make up for that. Also planning to write reviews of the other episodes later down the road if this works out. This time though I will be writing about the last two episodes of this season, Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'Till Morning. This review will be for Second Star to the Right.
One more warning before we begin. These reviews might be kind of long because...1. of the reasons mentioned above, 2. I tend to babble on about shows I like but that doesn't mean it is always going to be sunshine and roses. I WILL complain about things I DON'T like about the episode. I want the show to improve as we go along, not get worse, and 3. it's the freaking season finale! Okay, if anyone is still with me. Let's truly begin!
I have a blog called Dobby's Dungeon (where I used to write these reviews) and recently it has been rather dormant because of the freezing problems I've been having on that site. I'm sorry for anyone who was waiting for these reviews. Maybe this will sorta make up for that. Also planning to write reviews of the other episodes later down the road if this works out. This time though I will be writing about the last two episodes of this season, Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'Till Morning. This review will be for Second Star to the Right.
One more warning before we begin. These reviews might be kind of long because...1. of the reasons mentioned above, 2. I tend to babble on about shows I like but that doesn't mean it is always going to be sunshine and roses. I WILL complain about things I DON'T like about the episode. I want the show to improve as we go along, not get worse, and 3. it's the freaking season finale! Okay, if anyone is still with me. Let's truly begin!
(Part 1 review Part 2 will come later)
ABC's Once Upon a Time: Second Star to the Right Review PART 1:
Well, well, we finally get back to my fav actor who plays Bae (read my other reviews and you'll see why I really don't like adult Bae) and we FINALLY find out where Bae went when he fell down his very first magical, green portal! The first time I saw this part I thought wow he's grown too! Just like little Snow who shot up like a bean stalk in her return to the series. His voice has changed as well. Unlike some of the awkwardness this caused with Bailey Madison's return in where she was supposed to be younger than her first appearance, Dylan Schmid's growth didn't bother me so much. Especially, since we are going forward in the timeline and later we are shown that six months have gone by. Boys his age can grow fast in six months. Even when there's not much food around...I guess. Ah, London, England in Victorian days. This so is not our world is it? Remember when Emma asked adult Bae how he knew Hook and he said this world wasn't the first place he visited? Well, is that a mistake on the writers' parts or has all those cigarettes he seemed to have smoked by then affected his memories? Sorry, I just don't like the guy.
ABC's Once Upon a Time: Second Star to the Right Review PART 1:
Well, well, we finally get back to my fav actor who plays Bae (read my other reviews and you'll see why I really don't like adult Bae) and we FINALLY find out where Bae went when he fell down his very first magical, green portal! The first time I saw this part I thought wow he's grown too! Just like little Snow who shot up like a bean stalk in her return to the series. His voice has changed as well. Unlike some of the awkwardness this caused with Bailey Madison's return in where she was supposed to be younger than her first appearance, Dylan Schmid's growth didn't bother me so much. Especially, since we are going forward in the timeline and later we are shown that six months have gone by. Boys his age can grow fast in six months. Even when there's not much food around...I guess. Ah, London, England in Victorian days. This so is not our world is it? Remember when Emma asked adult Bae how he knew Hook and he said this world wasn't the first place he visited? Well, is that a mistake on the writers' parts or has all those cigarettes he seemed to have smoked by then affected his memories? Sorry, I just don't like the guy.
Ah, London, England, a lifetime of hanging with Tramp from Lady and the Tramp before he finds Lady, trying to find his way through all that fog, and avoiding sewage dumps falling from high windows. Wait, maybe those last two are in the wrong time period. My bad.
Show comes on with the clock tower in the forest which says 8:15 on it. Wait, that's Big Ben! How sneaky guys!
So, a life of growing up on the streets of London and scavenging for food is better than a life in a land of magic where your father could give you anything you want? He could have easily been Oliver Twist! Knowing how that story ends it wouldn't be such a bad thing! No good ole Charles Dickens this time. Only an open (window) invitation to FOOD! Well, he meets Nana first, a dog so big he could have eaten Lady! At least Wendy is nicer than her big pup. Wow, really nice. Hey, dirty boy have all our food! lol!
In Storybrooke, Tomorrow (I will be calling Tamara this because her name GETS ON MY LAST NERVE! She makes me think of little orphan Annie singing Tomorrow so that is what she'll be!) is pretending like she's going on a run in the forest! Yes, good for you. Get off the screen. Bae Smoker stops wallowing in bed because he hears Pops and his bar fly torturing Frankie outside. Now that bar fly (Lacey) is getting her kicks from watching Rumpy's bad side I guess if anyone just looks at bar fly wrong they get to smell Rump's sole. Hehe. Don't really like Frankie much either. Bae Smoker's got one thing going for him. He's able to stop his father from doing something stupid. Rumps is really acting quite strange recently. He just got his son back and he's spending all his time with bar fly? I kind of agree with Bae on this one. Trust me, this is hard for me to say because I am a RumBelle fan. So Bae is only here for Henry. Not what Rumps wants to hear. Grrr. Get over it Rumps. Henry is your grandson. You should be glad he'll be your undoing, no matter what that means!
Well, family Charming has found out that Regina has kept a few beans for herself and now she missing. When Emma says Gold is too busy to have done something to Regina because he's too busy with his new/old girlfriend boy was that an understatement. The guy seems like he wants to do nothing but play with is girlie. Ugh. As much as I love those two in the last two episodes they seem to annoy me.
Show comes on with the clock tower in the forest which says 8:15 on it. Wait, that's Big Ben! How sneaky guys!
So, a life of growing up on the streets of London and scavenging for food is better than a life in a land of magic where your father could give you anything you want? He could have easily been Oliver Twist! Knowing how that story ends it wouldn't be such a bad thing! No good ole Charles Dickens this time. Only an open (window) invitation to FOOD! Well, he meets Nana first, a dog so big he could have eaten Lady! At least Wendy is nicer than her big pup. Wow, really nice. Hey, dirty boy have all our food! lol!
In Storybrooke, Tomorrow (I will be calling Tamara this because her name GETS ON MY LAST NERVE! She makes me think of little orphan Annie singing Tomorrow so that is what she'll be!) is pretending like she's going on a run in the forest! Yes, good for you. Get off the screen. Bae Smoker stops wallowing in bed because he hears Pops and his bar fly torturing Frankie outside. Now that bar fly (Lacey) is getting her kicks from watching Rumpy's bad side I guess if anyone just looks at bar fly wrong they get to smell Rump's sole. Hehe. Don't really like Frankie much either. Bae Smoker's got one thing going for him. He's able to stop his father from doing something stupid. Rumps is really acting quite strange recently. He just got his son back and he's spending all his time with bar fly? I kind of agree with Bae on this one. Trust me, this is hard for me to say because I am a RumBelle fan. So Bae is only here for Henry. Not what Rumps wants to hear. Grrr. Get over it Rumps. Henry is your grandson. You should be glad he'll be your undoing, no matter what that means!
Well, family Charming has found out that Regina has kept a few beans for herself and now she missing. When Emma says Gold is too busy to have done something to Regina because he's too busy with his new/old girlfriend boy was that an understatement. The guy seems like he wants to do nothing but play with is girlie. Ugh. As much as I love those two in the last two episodes they seem to annoy me.
Tomorrow and Greg are getting Regina ready for something while talking about magic beans and diamonds. Throw in a little jealousy in there and we have a soap opera I don't care too much for. Greg was much better when he had a strange relationship with Regina. Now this triangle has ruined my interest in him. I like the actor who plays him though. Used to watch a show he starred in called Freakylinks. It lasted only one season but it's very good. You should check it out sometime.
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