Not really much of a fan of Dr. Whale but besides that this was a very entertaining episode of Once Upon a Time! Then again without Dr. Whale's story we wouldn't have seen a scrumpious Rumples in sexy red against Frank's drab black and white world. Dr. Whale's story is worth trudging through after all! lol! RumBelle took an even harder hit than last episode in my opinion. Hook basically killed Belle in Rumpy's eyes. Even though Belle wasn't physically killed, all memory of her has been eraised from the pretty belle that once held it. Worse than that! Chip is dead! Oh the horror! Cora and Rumpy got jiggy with it back in the day which is too gross to even think about! Even though Barbara Hershey is closer to Carlyle's age than Emille de Ravin who else was icking all the way through that kiss?! Homma chemistry again. Rumpy and Emma a Bae hunting we will go! The Outsider is a liar who can even fool Emma! Who are we dealing with here?! So much to talk about! Let's see if we can hold our tea cups steady as we travel through another episode of Once Upon a Time! :)
Okay, I know this isn't the way this episode started but I wanted to get the past part in Frank's world out of the way first. Like I said earlier, I'm not a big fan of Frank or his world. In my opinion I think this story would have been more interesting if it was from the original monster's POV just like in the real book. Maybe if the actor who plays Dr. Whale/Frank would have been cast has the monster things would've been more intresting. I've read the book and I felt more sympathy for the monster than the doctor. Always have always will. I'm sure there's a reason for Dr. Whale's story though. I have a feeling someone we love just might die before this season is over and if so we'll be thankful if Dr. Whale has finally figured out how to bring back the dead. Well, enough of that.
Frank is at home during the holiday with his father Alphonse and brother Gerhardt. Sadly, Frank's father often talks of his deceased wife, the boys mother and gives all his affection to Gerhardt. Frank constantly tries to win his father's approval but Daddy loves the fact that Gerhardt is an officer and doesn't give much heed to Frank's dabbles in science. Later Rumpy makes his appearence in Frank's black and white world in one of his most awesome costumes to date! A bright red, looks-like-he-tried-to-dress-for-the-time period-but-since-he's-from-a-colorful-world-he-stands out-anyway outfit! Just place Rumpy from here with Belle's awesome outfit from last episode! They would be the most stylish couple in Storybrooke baby! :D Anyway, Rumpy tempts Frank with a bunch of gold coins so he'll do something for him. Exactly what that it you'll be able to find out in an earlier episode called The Doctor. The end result is Frank has a magical heart from fairytale land and all he needs now is a body. While digging for one in the local graveyard his brother Gerhardt discovers him there and the two run from another man who begins shooting at them. Gerhardt is shot, dies, and Frank places the heart in him. He presents him to his father which doesn't go well to say the least. Gerhardt kills his own father which Franks stands and watches with a look of dare I say a little fascination?! His goody two shoes brother beating the crap out of their father who never gave Frank the time of day. Looks a little too much like payback for my taste. Frank promises his brother he's not done. He will find a way to bring Gerhardt completely back.
Now with that out of the way let's get to the really good stuff. This time we start right where last episode left us. Belle is down and doesn't know who she is, Hook is hurt, the driver of the car that hit Hook is knocked out and probably hurt too. Belle is frightened of Rumpy and healing her gun wound only serves to scare her more. Emma, Snow and Charming come to help out. They learn that the driver came from outside the border and are afraid of what that might bring. Hook has broken ribs but Rumpy wants to break him more but Emma and gang calm him down by telling him Belle wouldn't like it.
The show comes on with a red Rumpy in a black and white forrest.
Dr. Whale is drunk and ignoring his calls.
Belle is in a hospital rooms sleeping while Rumpy looks on. From the cracked Belle's POV this would seem very stalkerish. Rumpy of course is thinking what if this memory loss can be broken by true love's kiss? Awww. Poor thing. That isn't going to work when the love is only one sided. SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER YOU RUMPY! Poor Belle's POV: "Who is this creepy old man kissing me?! Is he obsessed with me or something?!" You know, in a sad way I think he sort of is. Of course she wakes she freaks and Rumps leaves dejected.
Meanwhile in another hospital room Emma interagates Hook who we learn has some broken ribs. That's all?! He still has all his spicy quips in tact for Emma who delivers quite a good one herself right back at him. Better watch your back Hook! Are the writers trying to make a triangle between Emma, Casidy and Hook? We'll we be seeing that in the future?
The gang check out the driver/outsider's phone. We find out he's name is Greg Mendel and he's a possible food critic? I read another review that said could his name be connected with the famous genetist Gregor Mendel? Also, what about those Pennsylvania plates and the watch?
Go here to learn more about Gregor Mendel:
Sneak peek 2:
Now the gang are worried that Mendel saw magic and he'll want to cause problems for Storybrooke. Dr. Whale says that Mendel is dying and now the subject of whether or not to let him die comes up. Come on people! I agree with Rumples! Let the tour buses cruise around Storybrooke (they probably do anyway on the tv set)! There's more important things going on here than Greggy boy (unless he turns out to be another important storybook character of course)!
While they're all discussing this, Greg's cell phone rings. Hmmm. A Star Wars ring tone. Any significance or just a fan of the film? Someone titled HER is looking for Greg which makes everyone panic all the more.
Finally, the meeting we've all been waiting for I'm sure. Well, one of the meetings. Cora gives Rumpy a gift so he'll back off and let her have her daughter. An interesting conversation they have and her sealing their deal with a kiss when Rumpy agrees to it. Of course Rumpy would agree to it because her gift is a way to find Bae. She knows how to push Rumps' buttons. They seem to have a romantic past together! Ugh! Can you imagine Cora and Rumples getting it on?! Yuck! Maybe Cora was much younger when it happened and that union produced a certain black haird beauty hiding under her supposed father's tomb? Could be a good reason why Cora can get her way with Rumples.
Dr. Whale is suppose to be preparing for surgery on Mendel who will die if he doesn't have it. The gang discover Whale has skipped out and it takes Red stopping Whale from comitting sucide to get the doctor back on track to help Mendel.
Meanwhile, manipulating Cora searches through Regina's house to see what she could use to get to Regina. She finds it and disguises herself as Henry. She finds Regina hiding in her father's crypt. So easy and so frightening. Imagine if she pretended to be Henry again or Emma or Belle! This woman has to be stopped! Cora smooth talks Regina into believing no one cares about her but Cora herself. Just like what I predicted in last review. I was so hoping Regina would see through her crap but apparently not.
Back at the hospital, Dr. Whale saved Mendel's life. So Emma goes in to talk with him. He says he didn't see anything because he was texting while driving. Emma seems to believe his story and lets him off with a warning! We later learn he was lying! What is wrong with Emma this time? He's a total stranger and she wasn't able to tell he was lying?! Was she wanting his story to be true so bad that it totally blinded her to the truth? I don't know. Whatever.
Later Rumples tries again to help Belle remember by enchanting the chipped tea cup that is so precious to him and Belle. He gives it to her asking her to focus on it. This Belle only sees a strange, magical, stalker dude harrassing her again and asking her to hold an old broken cup! She's probably thinking, "What's wrong with this dude?! What's up with this chipped cup?! Is he trying to cut me with it?!" She becomes angry with Rumps and throws Rumpy's precious against the wall! It breaks and we have to watch Rumpy's crushed heart leave. Has RumBelle been broken? Has he really given up on her? Remember what Belle said earlier. "If it's something worth fighting for you don't give up on it." Please don't give up Rumps because if you do and she somehow regains her memory down the road she may find it hard to forgive you for that!
Later back in Rumpy's shop, Rumps uses Cora's gift which looks to be some kind of white globe with a needle on top. He pricks his finger on the needle and drops blood onto the globe. It swirls around and forms the continents. It stops moving when it shows North America. Was it just me or was there a darker spot of blood somewhere close to North Carolina? Could Bae be there? Is that where Rumpy and Emma will be going?
Speaking of Emma, she's back at home with her family and Henry talks about how Dr. Frankinstein is not part of the fairytale storybook and that other characters from other stories might be in Storybrooke. Rumps invites himself in and says he's off to find Bae and Emma is coming too! Time for that favor she owes him. He says if anything happens to Belle while he's gone he'll kill all the Snow family.I wouldn't do that Rumpy because...
What if Bae turns out to be Cassidy, Henry's father? That would make Henry Rumples' grandson!
Also, what if Rumples and Cora did get it on in the past and Cora got pregers but didn't tell Rump he was the real father. She just married that Henry man and claimed he was. What if Cora does kill Regina?! Then Cora casually tells Rumples, "Oh, by the way. She was your daughter too." Imagine Rumples face! Maybe Dr. Whale will find a way to truly bring back the dead and/or zombie Regina, Emma, and Rumples will combine their powers and blast that witch Cora to kingdom come! Okay, had to get that out of my system.
We won't have another episode until Feb. 10! Ugh. It looks like we'll be revisiting our giant friend when the show does come back. Tootles.
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