Well, well, well. Once Upon a Time is finally back after it's two week break for...just two episodes before the MAJOR winter break which we will be Snow-less all December until January! Ugh. This episode was okay. It did deliver in action and twists which isn't this why we watch Once? Maybe it's for the romance of Snow and Charming? Maybe it's for the connection between Emma and Henry? Maybe it's for the love of Rumpy and Belle? We get a tiny bit of all these in this episode but it still felt a little lacking to me. Maybe that is because there are SO many people involved in this series to actually involve so many in one episode we lose too much oh I don't know...emotional connection? An episode like this proves that you really have to watch Season 1 to really grasp the concept. Oh well newbies go watch Season 1 It is sooo well worth the watch because it is gooood! Let's truly begin.
Hook and Cora are reunited and talk of betrayal and such which is the surprising focal point of this episode by the end. Cora raises an army of dead village people. No, not to start a truly awesome chorus of Zombie Macho Man or YMCA but for the task of stopping Snow, Emma, Mulan, and Aurora. Can someone please remind me of where those girls were going in the beginning because I've forgotten during the break. lol! Sorry, this is what happening when I only watch it one time before making a review. My bad.
Anyway, Emma shows Aurora a picture of Henry and asks if he is the boy that she saw in her dreams pf the sleeper's netherworld. Of course they're one of the same. A little more talking and they finally figure out they have their own human walkie-talkie. Emma's like well girl you are useful for something after all and not just an extra mouth to feed. GET YOUR BUTT BACK TO SLEEP! *Bam* Well, she doesn't knock her out because that would've been too awesome and as awesome as Emma is, she's not that awesome yet. Aurora goes to sleep and dreams and finds Henry there.
Meanwhile, Gold and Belle are having a lovely, little date at Granny's Diner when Queenie Regina comes in and destroys all! Buwahhha! Well, nooo. Not true. That would've been old Regina. She only destroys the moment between the two. She starts talking about a lot of things that so obviously Rumpy has not gotten around to informing Belle about. Which would probably mean just about anything from his evil past but this time it's about stopping Cora. A few more embarrassing moments in front of Belle and that's all of RumBelle this time. Belle is never seen again in this episode.
Back at Emma's and Snow's apartment Regina gives Henry a blanket from his bedroom. Trying to be the good little mommy. How much longer can she pull this off? Henry tells David that he wants to be a hero himself for once so we get one more adventure with Henry before the big dudes have to come in a ruin it for him. Rumpy magically lulls Henry to sleep with a story about when Snow and Charming captured him by using a cursed quill. Well, we learn the quill wasn't the magic it was the ink inside it. It came from a special squid that lives in a place that only Rumpy himself and mermaids can venture. Hmmm. So now we are talking about mermaids and squids. Does that mean Ariel and Captain Nemo will be coming to our screens soon? Rumpy tells Henry that this ink can be found in the cell that Rumpy was held in and that's how Cora will be trapped I assume. Of course we are talking about Rumpy so we really don't know if this is his agenda or not.
Henry is back in dream netherworld and tries to tell Aurora but cannot do so before she is whisked away by a tornado because Mulan was waking her up? More Wizard of Oz reference? Henry wakes and is badly burned again which Rumpy heals.
Aurora is pulled out of the dream netherworld because the group are being attacked by the zombie village people! After a few little action scenes Aurora is taken to Cora. Eventually a decision is made to put Snow under instead. Some crazy explanation about how Snow can return to this netherworld because she's been there before even though it's been years. Okay, we'll believe you. Snow asks Mulan to make some more poppy dust like what she used on the giant. Mulan says we have to travel to find some more because there isn't any where they're at. Does that mean by the end of this episode they're in the land of OZ? Remember the field of poppies Dorthy and gang fall asleep in? Please Once Upon a Time go to OZ already!!! You've hinted at it enough! It's time to go there!!!
Later Aurora is a captive of Cora's and she tries to win the princess over to her side by saying her prince Phillip is still alive but only in another realm. Aurora won't listen to her crap. Later we see Hook setting her free. He tells her because he wants Emma to trust him. Cora betrayed him and he wants Emma to know he is not going to betray them if he gets what he wants.
The adults decide it isn't safe for Henry to travel back to the dream netherworld but Rumpy objects. See what I did there. Hehe. Of course until the love vibe between Charming and Snow begins and somehow David just KNOWS Snow is going over instead of Aurora. Is it me or are the writers taking too many liberties with this episode? Well, we are talking about fairy tales so what else is new. Off to create another sleeping potion for Charming. This gives Regina and Henry some time together. The conversation sort of goes like someone with a drinking habit going into rehab for their child. "I've only had a couple of set-backs son but I promise after this NEVER AGAIN!" Oh we shall see Queenie...we shall see.
We get to see Rumpy's big spinning wheel from "Skin Deep" again and this time it is used to place the sleeping potion Charming will take onto its needle. Sleeping Beauty...yeah we get it. Hey, Belle is also a Beauty. Will we see Belle pricking herself one day on the same needle? With how Belle's relationship with Gold is right now I don't think his kiss would wake her. I'm sure it has to be pure, doubtless love that wakes a person. Belle isn't so sure right now. Oh well, need to stop this. Too much of a RumBelle fan.
David assures Henry that faith in each other will conquer all and everything will be just fine. Just before he pricks his finger he asks Gold if he can be sure he'll go to this place immediately. Rumpy isn't so sure because this is the first time Charming has gone under. Henry gives Charming his necklace and says it will protect him from the flames. *prick* Charming is down. Charming finds himself carrying a nice torch walking around in a room of mirrors. He uses Henry's charm to find out that the fire room is just below him. Takes off the charm. More of David's stupidity, cracks open the wall, falls through to the other room and breaks the necklace! Good one Charming. The two find one another and more sappy romance after Charming tells Snow about Rumpy's cell. He leaps over the flames to Snow but they cannot touch thank goodness. Snow starts to wake up and disappear but not fast enough for me. Ugh. Then we get this sappy Christmas themed Once commercial where Charming is saying let it snow, let it snow and Snow says, "Charming." Oh, will the cheese ever end?!
Mulan blows the poppy dust in Snow's face and Snow is out but later she wakes up after her adventure with her lover boy and the compass is gone and so is Mulan. They catch up with Mulan but she won't give the compass back. Later Aurora shows up to a surprised Emma. Aurora tells them that Hook let her escape and says he wants Emma to trust him and that he may care for her. We soon find out that Hook is betraying them because he had took out Aurora's heart and had given it to Cora who now has control over everything Aurora does and says.
Next time's scenes seem quite confusing. More well action and who is working for whom? We shall see next week and then the rest of December we'll be waiting for our next gift of an episode coming in January. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and until the next review tootles! :)
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