Monday, September 10, 2012

Warehouse 13 Endless Wonder Review!

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

     This saying seems fairly appropriate for this episode of Warehouse 13, don't you think? A few surprises in plot and a few reveals or are they for this time around? (POSSIBLE SPOILER) Also, what I said last time still stands in my book even though we are FINALLY seeing Brother Adrian in action. I stand by my speculations. More on that later. So much to talk about and yet so little. Hmm. Shall we continue?

     There's an artifact that is making people taller. Okay, I'll buy that. Also, the duo believe some artifact related drugs are behind it all. Well, at first. Most of the victims are men and we're on the subject that men want to be taller. Okay, I can see where this is going. I like tall men too. Not that I'm looking though. lol! Pete and Myka are on the trail and Pete seems to be having some character flaws or maybe it's because he hasn't eaten enough that he beds down this new girl who is connected with the drug the duo are investigating. The writers really wanted to bring in the newbie really fast and so I guess having Pete have a one night stand with her was the right choice. Ooookay. We've already seen a relationship with Pete in the past and that one didn't work out either. Also, I kept thinking where did the REAL Pete go during that awkward one minute they're talking and now they're in bed? Not too many episodes ago he was talking about having a baby with Myka and now he's having a one night stand with Really New Girl! Myka, let Pete have a lunch break from now on! Maybe this won't happen anymore!
     Over at Casa de la Warehouse. Yes, Casa de la Warehouse because they practically live there and not at the hotel. lol! Artie is getting ganged up on by Jinks and Claudia about those black diamonds and so Artie brings them in a little more into Brother Adrian's actions. Just a little though because we have to be reminded that Adrian said in the other world if Artie tells anyone anything about the astrolabe he'll endanger them. They find out that Adrian has Harriet Tubman's thimble and the trio are off to track down Brother Data!

A nice video. 

    Meanwhile, Really New Girl has followed Pete and Myka to the other victims of the Tall Man artifact and now has discovered they're more than just CIA agents. Time to call the boss who calls the senator and Pete is now in deep purple goo goo! New Girl takes a trip to Leena's and then with the help of Pete and Regent Man she is introduced to the warehouse. Pete is no Artie. Mrs. Fredrick is cleaning up the senator stuff and New Girl is fired from her old job but may have a new one if things go smoothly in her trial process of becoming a warehouse agent. So kitties if you find out WAY too much about the warehouse they won't kill you or bronze you. You too can become an agent! Don't know if I like her or not yet. Pete has good vibes about her but he had a one night stand with her. How much is is his vibes playing in this or should that be "vibes"? Hmmm. The artifact mystery is solved when Myka finds a bowl used in the victims' cooking classes that was made from the stone of the Colossus statue. Well, that's over.
      Artie, Claudia and Jinks are tracking down Brother Data to an old, abandoned house and we learn Adrian has an ancient plank that when place at the foot of anything creates a portal and we now know how he's suppose to be getting into the warehouse. (POSSIBLE SPOILER AHEAD). Okay, when Adrian was seen holding the plank they didn't show his face. Also, later when Adrian is in disguise using Harriet Tubman's thimble he chooses to be Artie. Hmmm. This is still playing as a possible "Artie is pretending to be Adrian" story to me. He could have easily placed a normal thimble on himself and then rushed back up to wherever he was suppose to be during that time. Also, he could be the one that rigged the plank to hurt Claudia and Jinks and if that is true this year's finale is going to be so heartbreaking. The warehouse probably has totally screwed up our lovable Artie and the other agents may have to bronze him for his own good in the end. *tear* We also see Artie talking alone again with Adrian. This doesn't look good for Artie Bear. I really hope I'm wrong in the end.
     Back at the warehouse Claudia and Jinks agree to drop the investigation into Artie's problems but not really. Then we find out who Artie was calling about the dagger. That would be the woman who's gone missing through mostly all the season. H. G. Wells makes her reappearance at the end of this episode and reveals to Artie she knows Artie has used the astrolabe and you can feel the fear coming from poor Artie with this new revelation. Our poor Pooh Bear is beyond worried for now Jinks, Claudia, and especially Wells, and Mrs. Fredrick know way more than they should! What will happen next?

Also, who else doesn't completely trust Really New Girl? Who else thinks she may have some connection with "Adrian" or something or someone else?  Oh well, on to next week!


  1. This was such a good episode of Warehouse 13! I was incredibly happy to see HG Wells come back to the show, but it wasn’t the highlight of the episode for me. I am just glad that we get slowly introduced to more characters that can be involved in the Warehouse. I have been a huge fan of Warehouse 13 since season 1 and I’m always recommending it to my coworkers at Dish to get them into it. It’s one of those shows that I could easily record every episode on my Hopper and re-watch them over and over, which I’m actually doing right now. I can even still record the rest of my shows as well, so I don’t miss anything at all. I really hope that the season keeps up with this level of intensity; this has been one of the best seasons so far!

  2. Really New Girl could possibly be the evil that has come to destroy them. I think part of the evil is that she plays with their senses. Pete had no bad vibes about her and we all think it is because he was a man smitten by her and wanted a one night stand, but seriously she and Jinks were never in a room together. I have a feeling when we do see them together he will not be able to tell she is lying. I think the evil has moved in and has started o dismantle them. Her foot is in the door and we have heard plenty about the evil to come. HG is going to have to take her down!

    1. Wow! You have brought up some very good points. Also, remember if she could mess up Jinks' senses then she will also be messing up Claudia's. That could explain Artie's dream of Claudia stabbing him! Boy, Claudinks gives new meaning to the "I'm rubber you're glue" thing. lol! Thanks for replying! :)
