Monday, April 23, 2012

Once Upon a Time "The Return" Review Part 2

Okay, okay. I know this is from "Desperate Souls" but I want to make a point. So Rumples you're not scared of anything? Anything except Bae's deal, evil queen, Belle, being loved, etc. Wow, being the Dark One didn't help you at all did it! Maybe he's just afraid of anything good or at least anything that will take his power away. Poor guy that evil done one heck of a job on you! We love you anyway! How is that possible?! lol! Moving on!

Fairy Tale Land: Continued
Rumples wastes his time being the total opposite of what he said in that video above until Bae is sucked into the green toilet bowl in the sand. NOW, he panics! Where's my boy gone?! I want to go now! WAAAA! Come back! Are we sure Rumples is the adult in this family? Then he plays around in the dirt for a while and yells at The Blue Fairy. They have a back and forth row of it's your fault no it's your fault which leaves Rumples alone saying over and over again"I'll find you, Bae. I'll find you." Gosh, I hope years and years of this regret and that Belle thing has matured Rumples because this was a little embarrassing. :(

Katheryn has been found and we spend some time with her and Emma. She tells Emma she was tied up in some basement or something and makes absolutely sure that no dirty stuff was involved.Later, all of Mary's newly found friends come over to celebrate that she did not kill Katheryn. This town is soo fickle! Mr. Gold is there and asks Emma about August. She says she barely knows him but trusts him more than you Gold. Aww. Was Rumple a little hurt there? David drops by to try to crash the party but Mary's like heck no don't you invite that traitor inside! So a sad David leaves with Henry. Mr. Gold decides to be an August stalker and follows him to Nun Blue Fairy who he later asks what August said to her. She says he wants to reunite with his father but hasn't done it yet. Hmmm. Red flag! Gold also breaks into August's apartment and finds a picture of the dagger with his name on it! Oh my! What could that mean? Now Mr. Gold is all troubled and wants to talk to the local shrink Archie. By now Mr. Gold is starting to believe August could be his son like the writers think the rest of us do now. So Mr. Gold is thinking for us baby! Then he says some painful words to Archie about him needing to be forgiven. Awww. Also, that he may be seeing what he wants to see like most of the viewing audience! Archie says Mr. Gold should ask to be forgiven and we're off to that infamous cabin by the lake. That cabin's seen a lot of action in this show. Gold beating up French there and Kathy being held captive there. Anyway, Gold meets August and he says he knows who he is and August is like Papa! AHHH! So he IS Baelfire! I imagine by now so many Rumple fans are jumping out of their chairs and screaming their little hearts out. I was in denial. Still couldn't believe it. Something was up! Next, all this forgive mes and boo hoos and hugs! Yay! Father and son together again! Then we get to the subject of the knife! Uh oh! Gold shows August where it is and even gives it to this guy who has blue eyes! Bae had brown eyes! Come one Gold! I know it's been centuries but he's your son! You should have remembered that! August welds the knife and tries to control Gold! YOU'RE NOT MY SON! This part reminded me of another crazed character on another show.
Hmm. Do we really want Rumples going THAT crazy?! Writers please! Oh my so he isn't Baelfire! Who is he? What's going to happen next? Well, Gold gives him this stuff about how if he were Bae he'd know this world has no magic and that knife would n't work. I don't know about this Gold. You're good at talking and you are the one who created this curse. Could this be all talk to get the knife back and not be controlled. If there is anyone who may have their powers in this world it's you and Regina with that crushing hearts thing earlier this season.What the !@#$?  He grabs the knife from August and pushes him into a tree and we get the mess about August being sick and needing magic but he never says out loud if he's a fairy tale character. We just get these knowing looks from him and Gold and of course Gold threatens him and if they were in the FTL he probably would have killed him there. Well, maybe. I'm hoping  Gold is changing from that coward of the past. Anyway he pushes August to continue trying to make Emma believe and since he's dying anyway he'll just leave it at that. Confused much! We still don't really know who this guy really is! Three weeks and that's all we get! Thank you writers! You sly little people! Then we have this short scene with Mary and David. It drags compared to everything else. Come on writers help these two! The show's quickly becoming the Rumples show even though I don't mind that in the least! Yeah baby! The episode ends with Regina wanting to place all the Katheryn blame on another person besides herself. This time it's Mr. Glass who claims he tied Kathy up in the basement of the cabin by the lake and no dirty stuff took place and could we care less! lol! Poor guy deserves it to me. If he wants to be Regina's stooge then let him! Of course Emma doesn't believe a word of it and asks Regina to step out into the hall! Emma suddenly turns into the Witch of the West and says I'll get you my pretty and Henry too! Tell her Emma and take your son which you should have done from the very beginning! BooYaa! OH MY GOSH! Next time scenes are the bomb! Yeah I said it. Maybe Storybrooke will explode and I'll get my fantasy one way or another! Until next time remember. True love's kiss can break any curse and magic always come with a price. Regina's bill is way overdue!

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