Monday, July 30, 2012

Warehouse 13: An Evil Within Review

Okay, I'm getting a little scared. We've got talk of putting things back like it was, some awkward tongue-in-cheekness, and some way too obvious obviousness! Wait a minute, this is Warehouse 13 I'm talking about. We should be used to that  by now I hear a voice say. Ugh. I'm down with that but there is a fine line they're walking on. So much to talk about I hear you say. Well, yes and here we go!
  • The show begins with a couple of Star Trek fan boys debating which alien is stronger, the Vulcans or Klingons while walking into a diner. We are briefly shown another man walk after them and right by them and out the back door. He chains the back door after himself. Next we know there's a strange octopus creature attacking the patrons. All of them are first. Then some of them have the courage enough to start beating the living crude out of this thing. The police late of course. We are shown the creature is gone and one of the fan boys is on the floor sorely beaten! Uh oh! Of course it's Artifact Time! 

  • Artie (I love Artie) is somewhere I don't think we've ever seen in the show before. Claudia's bedroom! Artie picks up a seriously ironic photograph of him and Claudia playfully trying to choke each other. You know, I'd like to pick up and look at some things in this bedroom too. Claudia is such an interesting character it would be nice to be able to ramble around in her bedroom just to find out a little more about her. Well, of course until you are caught by an incredibly peed off Claudia and then the fun would stop there. Well, maybe. Judging in how she displays her anger at you. You could be crying but you could be laughing or at least someone else could be laughing. Anyway, Artie is still worried that the vanished Claudia is the "evil" that Brent Spiner mentioned in the last episode. Seriously, I need to remember his name on here. lol! Artie has more flashes of Claudia stabbing him with a sword. Leena jerks him out of it. 
The dynamic duo of Pete and Myka are ready to help Artie find Claudia but Artie says they've got a ping and they should go to find out why a guy  was beaten up in a restaurant and who's behind it.. Don't worry about Claudia. Mr.Arthur Nelson is right on it! Well, he will be after Brent Spiner has a word with him. Shock, fear! Artie what are you going to do now?! This guy is standing right outside the bed and breakfast window looking in on him. Is it just me or does Data creep you out on this show? Of course Artie invites him in and he claims he's form the Vatican, of course we/Artie already knows that and he is here to find the Astrolabe which we/Artie already know about too of course. Artie is inches away from putting his foot in his mouth every time he talks to this guy which I think is cute because that's Artie for ya and also alarming because he's not suppose to let anyone know what he's done. How did Spiner know to come here in the first place though? Everything about him screams do not trust to him!  I smell a rat or an android. Possibly named Lore maybe? Which is hard because I know and love him so much as Data who we all love to trust! lol! He tells Artie that he needs to find whoever has stolen the astrolabe and he needs to get that person to make things right again or this evil he keeps talking about will cause way too many problems. Like what happened the last time the astrolabe was used: the French Revolution. Okay, now this is starting to frighten me because if the astrolabe is used again to turn everything back to how it used to be then everything that happens in this timeline will not matter! UGH! I mentioned in my review last week about how I hate story lines like this because it feels like a waste of time for the viewer. It's like when Dallas had a whole season be a dream. Well, I was too young to remember that but I'm sure you get my point. People complained...a lot. What's the point in watching a series if it all gets taken away like it never happen. No one learns anything, no one grows to be a better person or a worse person. No character development is what I'm trying to say. We are right backt at the beginning. I have a feeling by what Artie asks Spiner later in the show that if and when they use this thing again everything will go back the way it was except the gang will figure out how to stop the astrolabe before Pete is killed. Which also sounds a little selfish to me. Does it to you? Ugh. 

Anyway, back to the recent case. Pete and Myka are getting nowhere on why this fan boy was hurt and still nowhere when a guy is thrown out the window of a high rise dentist office by his patients. New thing we find out though is that Myka cannot stand octopus. Ooookay. Speaking of Myka, where is HG Wells in this episode. There is no mention of her and she isn't even shown at the warehouse. Moving on. Claudia is found breaking past some security and I wasn't really paying attention to exactly what she was trying to get to. Was it the metrodom or whatever it's called. Anyway, she's acting all cool and mysteries and the best part happens when Artie stops her from tesla-ing a dude. We have this awesome convo between the two about if it is selfish for her to bring back Jinks. Claudia even asks the BIG QUESTION for this year of Artie. Would you use an artifact to undo a horrible wrong? Artie has no answer he just backs up and says he's not going to let her go down that road. Well, maybe not Artie but Mrs. Pete's Mom has no qualms about it! Wow! A big wig herself is going to let Claudia bring Jinks back. This is a strange but a cool turn of events. Artie is peed of course and runs out. Must admit this story line was much more fascinating than Pete and Myka's story this time around. Theirs is good just not as good. 

Peta and Myka start to get somewhere when a woman is found hiding in her closet from I believe is her husband. Can't really remember. The duo learn someone gave her a strange key and took it back before she went into the house. Shock of shocks! Myka has never read H. P. Lovecraft but thankfully the others have and we now have a reason behind all these attacks. The key makes other people see the one who touches the key as Lovecraft monsters. Creepy, well sort of . This is somehow connected to the guy who's been doing this to everyone and his fiancee going to a ball game. His fiancee was trampled to death and no one would help her so he's getting his revenge on them.. Here is where I was like really?! We are shown all of this on a camera and the duo point out the victims. Who else figured it out before our duo did? So obvious but that's not enough. We have to be told about what we've seen. I know some of us out here are not the brightest artifact in the warehouse but most of us aren't the dullest either. Sometimes, these little bits bite on my ankle. Grrr. 

Claudia brings back Jinks with the help of Mrs. Pete's Mom and everything seems to go well after a short snafu where Claudia almost DIES!. Artie is shown asking if the evil could be someone who's resurrected so we'll be all suspicious of Jinks now as well. Jinks is none too happy when he finds out he's just like that other dude who had to depend on a tick-toc thing for the rest of his life. This reminds me of Doctor Who's The Master. "I hear the knocking!" I hear the ticking! Claudia is still a little full of herself with pride that she has Jinks back. We find out Mrs. Pete's Mom Janeway is in some major trouble with the other Regents because as Claudia put it she went rouge. Didn't ask for permission. Now Claudia's not so happy when she's told that Jinks will forever have to be a part of the Warehouse and if the down side of the artifact is found to be compromising then I guess Claudia will have to lose Jinks all over again! You should have listened to Artie! 

Back at the bed and breakfast everyone is happy to have Jinks back and crowds around the dinner table. Claudia asks Artie if he's mad at her. Of course not. Pete calls for Artie who's ping machine Claudia made for him makes a ping again. This time it's THE SWORD! The one he sees Claudia using in his flashes to kill him! Uh oh! A way to bring us back here next week! Pete is concerned. The End! 

Next times scenes look good but will it be filler?

Oh, and one more thing. What's up with Myka's hair?! :o
  •  Oh, and another thing. Maybe Artie is learning something from this time travel stuff and Claudia through Artie. I don't know. Maybe I'll have to retract my words by the end of this season. I'll be more than happy to if that turns out to be true!  Tootles...for real this time! :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Night Court: The Harry or Dan Debate

I have been watching episodes of Night Court for a while now. This series is another childhood memory. When I was little my favorite character was Bull Shannon played marvelously by actor Richard Moll. Now my favorite character is Dan. I guess you could say he was sort of the Severus Snape of Night Court. I think I remember enjoying the romance that began between Christine and Harry but I can now see some sparks between Dan and Christine as well. Maybe it's because Dan is my favorite character. Maybe you all should choose. Here are two videos. The first one above is about the romance of Harry and Christine that played out during the series and the other is one a fan put together of scenes with Dan and Christine. Who do you think Christine looks best with? Comment below if you like. :) 

This is the link to the video of Dan and Christine. Go here to see it:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Warehouse 13 A New Hope Review!

Well, it's been a couple days since the premiere of Warehouse 13 Season 4 episode A New Hope and I'm still thinking about it. Finally, I've gotten around to writing a review. Here it is for those people out there still willing to read it. Sorry for the long delay in...everything! lol! Okay, here goes. 

After a long wait the series is back for another season and we start where last season ended. HG Wells has just sacrificed her life by shielding Pete, Myka, and Artie in a bubble thing to save them from last year's bad guy Sykes' wheel chair bomb. EXPLOSION CITY! Well, last season that is. Now the main three stand among the rubble of the warehouse of what's like the 2nd or 3rd time since this show began?! I must say this series is beginning to look like another series that I was madly hooked on back in the early 2000s. That would be Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Every end of a season  someone had the bright idea that the possible worse thing that could happen is the end of the world! Okay, I can see that is a big event but come on! They could have thought up different tragedies for their heroes. Like maybe for example only one character's world may end if something doesn't happen! We don't always have to go all big and flashy people! Just make it daring and interesting! We'll tune in! I promise! Same with the destruction of the warehouse every time you turn around on THIS show! The series did have an end of the world story line once so okay done that too. Time for some new ideas! 

Anyway, moving on. Of course we have to find an artifact that will give us back the warehouse AGAIN because the show IS called Warehouse 13 not Warehouse 14...although. If would be an interesting story line to find out where Warehouse 14 would and will be located. Come on. With how many times #13 has been destroyed there's bound to be one day when there's absolutely no way to bring it back! I see a spin-off in the  future with a whole new cast of characters! Okay, really getting back to the story. Artie has MacPherson's watch and says there may be a way to change things. Then he gets a weird feeling of sadness. Which is I'm sure more than the fact that the warehouse is gone and HG and Jinks are dead. Wow, must have been some major sadness going on there! Yep, it is. Pandora's box was destroyed along with the rest of the warehouse and now the world has lost hope. Off to the bed and breakfast and we see a sad Leena and Claudia (which if I might add as gone through some major dark dye and dark makeup since we last saw her). These two tell the others that Mrs. Fredrick is dead. Artie lets them know that she was connected to the warehouse so of course she's dead, Duh! Artie turns on the news and some famous new guys tell us about all the bad things going on in the world because of the warehouse and Pandora's box. Really, not much different with what's really going on in the world, sadly. Artie figures out that the pocket watch can turn into a stop watch! Ooo! How nice. Back at the warehouse rubble where we find out the football that's been flying around the world and coming back every now and then since the first episode of the first season is an artifact  that tracks down other artifacts. Oh, now who came up with that idea and when I wonder?! lol! Nice one! Kudos to you whoever you are. Now we have to go to France and find a piece of an artifact that will turn back time. Artie tells Leena to go to a library and help a big dude which we were suppose to have seen earlier in the show but I can't place where. More techno babble which I understand sometimes and sometimes not. Mostly just go along with the parts I don't understand. I've learned that most of the time their babbles involve some history truths but also fictional to go along with whatever they want their artifact to be able to do. I'm cool with that but please don't take too long to get to the point. That could lose some of the audience. Just before they head off to find the first part of an artifact Claudia doesn't want to go at first. Still reeling from Jinks (her partner) death and she still wants to use a certain artifact to bring him back. She keeps being told that she should not do this because it's selfish reasons.. She lets Artie know that whatever happens she's not going to stop until she's done what she has to do. Another Buffy flashback for some reason. More on that later. 

Off to France and in a taxi cab with a driver who thinks they're nuts because they're talking all about their problems to Leena and library man on the Farnsworth in front of him. Whatever happened to secrecy agents?! Okay, I've seen tv show episodes like this before. The writers seem to think it doesn't matter what happens to their characters because everything is going to be changed back the way it was when the time traveling device is activated. Been done too many times to really care anymore but this time it does have a little saving grace. More on that later. Pete and Myka distract these Knights of Templar like men guarding the artifact so Artie and Claudia can make their way right into well a trap! The two find a secret hole! lol! Too small for our lovely Artie so Claudia must be the one to crawl through. Here is one of the best moments of the night. Claudia's quips about Artie being too big. I'm used to her digs about Artie but these were hilarious! I love Claudia which I hope she'll be staying on the show for quite some time. More on that later. Her jokes about Pooh bear being stuck in the honey hole was cute! Hope we get to see more of this in the future but judging from how dark this series seems to be getting these little moments may be few and far betwen sadly. Claudia finds an artifact that helped Magellan in his travels. Another funny quip from Claudia bout how old Artie is and that this is the first of two things they need to find. Then oops, it's a trap by the head the Knight of Templar like people. Who could it be? None other that Brent Spiner Mr. Data from Star Trek the Next Gen himself! Yay! Wouldn't you love to have him for a villain this year?! He gets dispatched quite easily by Pete and Myka and now they've all got to go to Italy to find the last piece. Wait a minute! What about Claudia? She says for them to go ahead and not worry about her. The camera stays on the place where she's trapped a little too long after they leave. Was there a reason for that? Hmmm. 

Things aren't any better in Italy. They have to break into St. Peter's vault but it's under a restaurant that they're not allowed into because of riots. Myka gets the bright idea to break a window so Pete and Artie can sneak inside. She is arrested and that's all we see of Myka. This doesn't matter remember because this world doesn't matter. Time travel remember! Ugh! Anyway, Pete and Artie meet more Knights and fight. Then Data appears again and this time it doesn't end well for Pete or Data. Data is stabbed in the chest by a dagger and Pete is stabbed in the gut. He does find the second artifact and gives it to Artie. Another example of killing of your main character because they'll be resurrected later. This time around though the show gives us some excellent acting on Pete and Artie's parts and THIS is why it's sorta saved  from the same old rehash of a story line. It was sad to watch Pete die and even sadder to know that he may not remember it but Artie will. Artie begins to activate the artifact but just before he does we learn that Data isn't quite dead yet and he warns Artie of the dire straits he could be putting everyone in if he tells anyone what he's done. Also that there will be an evil that will follow him forever because of this. So bringing back the warehouse isn't going to be all nice and dandy this time and I'm glad of that. Makes it a little different from the other times at least. Judging from the ending and next times scenes I'm sure most viewers are believing that the "evil that follows him" will be Claudia. I can see where Claudia would think it was not fair that Artie used this artifact to bring back everything and she was told she could not bring back Jinks with her artifact. I really hope that she won't be the complete baddie all the way through this season though if she does go that way. We've seen that on Buffy the Vampire Slayer too. You know, where Willow went bad. Not to say it wouldn't be interesting because it would but I would like to see Brent Spiner (big fan of Data, I might add) have a bigger role this year. I was excited to see him here and I think he deserves to shine in this show! 


Anyway, Artie uses the artifact and time is turned back to before the warehouse is destroyed. Artie uses Ghandi's shroud or something and lays it on the bomb but it doesn't work. Later, he gets Pete to bring Sykes back over to the warehouse. They lay the shroud on him and it works. The bomb is stopped and so is Sykes. He dies. I read somewhere during this time that someone wanted to know where Pete's mom went because wasn't she suppose to travel back through the opening in the wall before it was turned it off ? Oh well. Artie has HG forgiven and reinstated at the warehouse but not without some speculation from Mrs. Fredrick who has a gray streak! Oh my! Not everything is the same!  A strange dream where Claudia stabs Artie with a sword and then Leena calls Artie to let him know that Claudia left during the night! Uh oh! 

Sceness for this season look very interesting. Looks like Pete's mom is back and more Data! Yay! Two Star Trek alums this year! You couldn't ask for more! Also, Claudia doesn't seem to be taking things too well and was that Jinks?! Will he be back or was that just a tease? Tune in to find out! Warehouse 13 is back for over 20 episodes this season. More than they've ever had in any other season! Lets hope that is a good sign! 

Hmmm. ARTIe...ARTIfact! Maybe Artie himself is an artifact in some way by now? Has anyone else thought of this? lol! Tootles! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Condolences and prayers...

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families of the Colorado theater shootings.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Moonlighting Overview: Last Three Episodes

The video above has nothing to do with the last three episodes of this series. I'd like to go out on a much happier note about Moonlighting UNLIKE the writers of this nostalgic, atmospheric, unique, romantic/comedy. Wow! What a ride is has been! I finished watching the whole series a few days ago and I already miss it. This is a re-watching I might add. Grew up with it but only remembered a few episodes. Hmmm. This will not be an enjoyable experience talking about the last three episodes but I will try to quickly get through them so I can end with something less depressing. :( Oh well. Let's get started. We begin with David throwing googly eyes at someone who looks remarkably like Demi Moore. Wait, of course that's Demi Moore! No way was this a vehicle to show off Bruce's real life wife at the time. Oh that wouldn't happen. Hmmm. This may have been a nice little bit for the couple but COME ON!! Can you hear all the David and Maddie fans out there screaming in agony?! The two board an elevator right beside each other. Then who should stand right between them?! The death knell of one of the most popular couples in tv history. Maddie's cousin Annie has made her presence known for the first and I wish last time on this series. The result of this is a David Addison we've never seen before. Really, because I think Annie totally screwed him up in more ways than one! That could also be the writers! Ugh. I rooted for David all through this show and now he seems like the bad guy. Here's why. David falls for Annie which is strange in and of itself being that SHE'S MADDIE'S COUSIN! If you don't want to blame the writers then I guess you could say that David took a page out of the Maddie Hayes book. Where David taught Maddie how to be more spontaneous (with disaterous results I might add; to see what I mean check out my Tracks of My Tears episode review over at Maddie must have taught David how to be more vindictive! Once David begins dating Annie he bites Maddie's head off on more than one occasion! He KNOWS what he is doing is hurting Maddie! So maybe he isn't totally over Maddie just yet? I don't know! Ugh! Later, David goes out of his way to interupt a dinner the two girls are having to make sure Maddie isn't saying crap about him. In the next episode about this bloody stink bomb of a triangle Maddie's life is in danger and David makes sure Maddie is safe but goes back home to his Annie afterwards. The show seemed to go to great lengths to have Maddie be alone while David and Annie were having such a great time together! If this was a way to bring back all those viewers they had earlier in the series' past well it failed miserably. The very last episode doesn't really help. We are subject to Bert and Agnes' wedding and David finally giving up his love affair with Anne who just happens to be MARRIED! Another thing you'd think David wouldn't involve himself in! Oh, well it would have helped if Annie had told him that fact from the start but she happened to leave out that part until they were in bed. LOL! GRRR! The series ends with David and Maddie on the steps of a church wondering where it all went wrong. A montage of their better rated days is shown and that's it for something that started out so wonderful and beautiful!

There was an episode about Bert and Agnes just before the series finale which featured Bert and his family waiting to meet Agnes for the first time. Agnes is called for jury duty and sadly misses the family party. She does meet Bert's father and grandmother which were the two most important people for her to meet for Bert. It was a sweet episode and shows the total opposite of what Maddie and David's relationship always was. That is what made Moonlighting sadder than a sack of sadness. Here was Bert and Agnes having all their dreams come true together and then David and Maddie with a road block every time you turn around. Okay, must stop that! I promised I'd go out on a high note right? Moonlighting was fantastic during it's 1-3 seasons and it stills beats some of the best shows on today! Don't let my boo boos about the ending discourage you from watching! Please! You would be missing out on some the best comedy, music, and yes 4th wall breakage to ever grace our screens. More important than that is you would miss the romance with all it's sparks, confusion, and frustrations. You WILL feel the pain and the laughs. Come experience the sweet love of David and Maddie, the fun music, and the comedy that was/is Moonlighting! )